  • 學位論文


The Research on Clickwrap Agreement of Computer Software and Consumer Protection Law

指導教授 : 周天


摘 要 本文共分八章,第一章緒論。第二章網路交易之介紹。 第三章就國際間對網路交易消費者保護問題之規範作介紹。 第四章係介紹電腦軟體授權契約,針對電腦軟體授權契約之法律上性質,是否為民法上之「物」?是否為消費者保護法之「商品」?或是否為消費者保護法之「服務」?作探討,並說明電腦授權軟體契約之意義,簡介電腦軟體授權契約之類型,再就各國對電腦軟體授權契約法律適用之學說見解作一說明,最後並提出本文之看法。 第五章本章係概括介紹線上電腦軟體按鍵契約之意義、所規範之內容,線上電腦軟體按鍵契約之前身為拆封授權契約,本文試就關於拆封授權契約及線上電腦軟體按鍵契約之效力,在美國司法案例之發展過程作說明。 第六章線上電腦軟體按鍵契約之法律性質為何?是否為美國統一電腦資訊交易法之大量市場授權契約?是否屬我國消費者保護法所為之定型化契約?而美國統一電腦資訊交易法之大量市場授權契約與我國消費者保護法之定型化契約之規範有何差異?另美國統一電腦資訊交易法中關於明示、默示擔保責任條款及損害賠償責任條款,與我國民法之擔保責任及損害賠償責任有何不同?本章就上開問題將逐步說明。 第七章探討線上電腦軟體交易是否有我國消費者保護法關於郵購買賣之適用,並就消費者保護法中郵購買賣之成立要件一一檢視線上電腦軟體交易是否符合。另探討線上電腦軟體授權契約企業經營者,是否應負消費者保護法所規範之義務及應如何履行並提出相關建議。 第八章為本文之結論與建議。


Summary This thesis consists of eight chapters. Chapter I is the introduction. Chapter II illustrates Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) transactions. Chapter III introduces international regulations for consumption protection in E-Commerce. Chapter IV presents the License Agreement of Computer Software. According to its legal nature, whether computer software is treated as the “things” by the Civil Code, or defined as the “goods” or “services” by the Consumer Protection Law is discussed. This chapter also explains the meaning and types of the License Agreement of Computer Software, reviews the legal theories adopted by other countries, and summarizes by bringing up the Clickwrap Agreement of Computer Software. Chapter V goes over the meaning and content of the Clickwrap Agreement of Computer Software. The Shrikwrap License Agreement is the predecessor of the Clickwrap Agreement of Computer Software. Taking the evolution of judicial cases in the United States as examples, this chapter describes the effect of both the Shrikwrap License Agreement and the Clickwrap Agreement of Computer Software. Chapter VI clarifies the following topics: What is the legal nature of the Clickwrap Agreement of Computer Software? Is it part of the Mass-Market License of the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA)? Does it belong to the Standard Contracts of the Consumer Protection Law? What is the difference between the Mass-Market License of the UCITA and the Standard Contracts of the Consumer Protection Law? As far as the assurance responsibility of expressed and implied warranty and the responsibility of damage compensation are concerned, how does UCITA differ from our Civil Code? Chapter VII discusses whether the Clickwrap Agreement of Computer Software is applicable to the mail order regulated by our Consumer Protection Law by comparing their requirements. In addition to making recommendations, this chapter investigates whether the vendors involved in the Clickwrap Agreement of Computer Software should undertake the obligation defined by the Consumer Protection Law. The last chapter, Chapter VIII, provides the conclusion of the thesis and suggestions.


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