  • 學位論文


Planning for GIS application to catchment facility in sloping field's roads

指導教授 : 張德鑫老師


摘要 關鍵字:地理資訊系統、排水設施規劃、土壤流失量 桃園縣復興鄉地處於山地鄉,受地質破碎帶、崩塌、土石流等地型及斷層帶等因素,及因交通及經濟產業上需求,開闢道路及種植經濟作物,以致常因雨量過大,造成道路及山坡地崩塌及土石流等現象。尤其93年艾利颱風為雙颱共伴,且降雨中心部份為大漢溪上游集水區,其最大累積降雨幾達1,600 mm,其所帶來之災情甚為嚴重,山崩、土石流及道路中斷處處可見,更因大量土石流入石門水庫,造成全縣無水可用之窘境。復興鄉境內包括桃112線、桃113線、桃114線、桃115線、桃116線、桃117線、桃119線等鄉道,每逢風災豪雨常造成道路上、下邊坡崩塌及路基流失等災害,路況柔腸寸斷,嚴重影響民眾交通安全。 本研究應用地理資訊系統,透過現地勘查方式,以建立石門水庫集水區內桃園縣轄編號道路—鄉道之子集水區資料,研究中為取得符合現地之降雨頻率分別依極端值I型、皮爾遜III型、對數皮爾遜III型以及對數常態分布方式,針對各雨量站資料以卡方檢定與K-S檢定並計算標準誤差Se以檢定其機率分布,然後依漫地流公式、加州公路局公式、周文德公式、Kirpich公式及Rziha公式等,求其平均集流時間,再以合理化公式及三角型單位歷線法分別求其洪峰流量Qp值,比較後進而選定以合理化公式求得其25年洪峰流量作為後續工程設計人員參考。 本研究更建立研究區域內136處子集水區相關資料,計算其136處子集水面積共計1746.6公頃,並根據通用土壤流失公式推估此集水區內每年共有9951.32m3之土壤流失量(不含崩塌量),最後本研究依據分析成果得知集水區25年洪峰流量之比流量為33.43cms/km2,可供日後工程設計人員參考之設計依據。


Abstract Fuxing in Tauyuan County is located joint of plates where earthquake mudslide or other natural disasters caused by its geographic nature often occur. Due to this factor the traffic the supply from outer places, roads, and agriculture are often time blocked or destroyed by mudslides caused by heavy rainfalls. 2004’s Alley typhoon which has two typhoon eyes accompanies especial and the large accumulation rainfall almost reaches 1,600 mm in upstream of Da-Han’s catchment-region. It was brought much more serious disaster situations which as mudslide, mudflows and landslides in everywhere. Also, due to quantities mudflows and landslides flowed into Shi-Men Reservoir, all county had gat into no water can be used awkward situation. On every disaster caused by strong winds and cloudburst, there is slope-side mudslide and roadbed’s losing on road T112 to T117 and T119…so on, in Fuxing country area. It’s influence on public traffic security. This research is build by geography information system, and the penetration location investigation way, and to establish the township subset water district data of serial number path for catchment area in the Shimen Reservoir. In the research as obtains conforms to rainfall frequency the location to depend on the Extreme type I, Pearson type III, Log-Pearson type III as well as the Log-normal distribution, in view of various precipitation stations material basis of calculation error, the χ2 and the K-S test to obtains its rainfall behavior. Concentration time is used California road board formula, the Chow, Kirpich and Rziha formula to asks its average time, again used the Rational formula and the triangular unit hydrograph to estimate the peak flow. The peak discharge compared with less advanced designated the rational formula obtains its 25 year frequency take using of the following engineering design personnel reference. This research establishes studies in the region 136 virgin catchment area correlation data, calculates its 136 virgin catchment total area is 1,746.6 hectares and acts according to Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) to estimate the soil erosion quantity is 9,951.32 m3/yr. Finally this research is based on the analysis of the report of 25 years peak discharges is 33.43 cms/km2 , and this can supply the sources to engineering designers in the future for their references.


GIS catchment USLE


