  • 學位論文


Ordering policy of fashion goods with revenue sharing strategy under sales discount

指導教授 : 黃惠民


需求不確定、銷售期短暫的流行性商品,都具有強烈的時效性。當這些商品在銷售期限內沒有賣出,則不能像其他商品可留到下個週期,反而要多付出一些損失。例如,百貨會以折扣促銷當季沒賣完的流行服飾;過期的雜誌可能廉價出售或進行再製造處理;剩餘的蔬果等生鮮食品只能面臨被丟棄的結果。為了避免銷售期末過多剩餘存貨所造成的利潤損失,因此,管理人員在考慮進貨數量時會特別考量買賣雙方的協作合約。   商場的合作契約種類繁多,諸如退貨、營收分享、數量及價格折扣等,但以往的學者大多只探討單一策略的應用。而本論文依據市場的情境模式,零售商在具有品質檢驗機制的環境中,實施營收分享策略誘使供應商降低批發價格;對於期末剩餘存貨採用連續多次折扣之促銷作法,並配合供應商提出的買回政策,來增加訂購的數量,以達能隨時滿足顧客需求之目的。   本論文研究的對象主要是針對單一週期存貨的商品,利用存貨理論及相關機率與統計理論為基礎,Maple及Excel軟體為輔來進行研究,以利潤最大化為目標,建立需求不確定之協作合約整合的流行性商品之報童模式。且將以個案例題說明本論文所建立模式的應用情形,並驗證出在有無實施營收分享之多次折扣模式中,零售商與供應商利潤獨立、合併的情況下,有其最適定價及訂購整合策略,並透過商議因子使雙方利潤獲得改善,來達到營收分享之目的。


Quick response is important for short life cycle products with demand uncertainty. These products cannot be kept to the next period when they are not sold within the marketing period, and they must be salvaged at a lower cost . For example, the department store will use sales discount to sell off those unsold clothes and out of date magazines at a low prices. Unsold fresh foods include vegetables and fruits are discarded. Therefore, the management must consider how to match supply with demand though collaborative contract between the buyer and the seller.   The various collaborative contracts are as return policy, buyback, revenue sharing strategy, quantity discount and price discount mechanism. Former researches only focused on a single strategy. In this research, we also consider quality control of the retail environment and revenue sharing strategies with the suppliers based on market scenario. The unsold goods are offered on special discount on a regular basis. Buyback policy offered by supplies is also used to increase order quantity and customer demand.   In this study, we consider a single-period inventory policy. Our newsboy problem with collaborative contract in developed using the inventory and statistic theory. We use mathematics software to drive the optimization of the total system profit. Finally, numerical examples are carried out to illustrate the application of the model. It is shown that the optimal wholesale price and order quantity can be derived use revenue sharing and progressive multiple discounts strategies. These strategies result in a win-win situation for the supplier and the retailer.


[1]Corbett, C.J., Groote, X.D., 2000, “A supplier’s optimal quantity discount policy under asymmetric information”, Management Science, Vol.46, No.3, pp.444-450.


