  • 學位論文

新移民志工參與志願服務之研究 -以桃園縣新移民學習中心為例

An Explorative Case Study on the Volunteers of the New Immigrants:An Example of the Learning Center for New Immigrants in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


本研究旨在探討桃園縣新移民學習中心新移民志工參與志願服務之動機、轉變及其所遇到的困難與挑戰。研究參與者包含新移民學習中心六位新移民志工及三位行政人員。透過深度訪談、參與觀察及文件分析等方法,進行整理歸納分析。本研究所得結論如下: 一、新移民志工參與志願服務的動機可歸納為滿足個人的需求、幫助他人的想法、回饋社會的熱忱、週遭人士的支持與鼓勵、無聊時間的打發及組織或成員特質的吸引等六項參與動機。 二、新移民志工參與志願服務的轉變可從人際互動變多、家人的態度轉為支持、生活圈擴大、學習機會增多、增強自信及肯定及情緒得到宣洩等方面看到其成長的轉變。 三、新移民志工在參與志願服務時所遇到的困難與挑戰可歸納為組織成員、志工本身、志工組織、服務對象及主管單位等五部分。 依據以上結論,本研究所提出之建議如下: 一、對桃園縣新移民中心新移民志工之建議 (一)新移民志工應在參與志願服務時把握機會學習。 (二)新移民志工在參與志願服務時應明白權責劃分。 (三)以自身經歷,鼓勵其他新移民加入志工行列。 (四)給予志工成員正面肯定,凝聚志工成員向心力。 (五)新移民志工應加強應培養多元文化教育觀點。 二、對桃園縣新移民學習中心之建議 (一)協助桃園縣新移民學習中心志工建立完善的組織架構。 (二)定期辦理志工培訓課程,以減少志工參與志願服務的困難與挑戰。 (三)培養志工行政文書能力,以解決人力不足的窘境。   (四)鼓勵中心行政人員參與新移民教育研習或課程,以減少溝通困擾。   (五)開設人際溝通之課程或研習,減少志工與服務對象間的溝通不良。 (六)運用多元行銷策略,鼓勵新移民參與相關課程及活動。 (七)提供由淺入深的志願服務方案,增強新移民志工之信心與能力。 (八)增加新移民志工與其他團體或主流文化交流的機會。 三、對未來研究之建議 (一)可針對新移民學習中心或是從事其他類型志願服務的新移民志工相關議題進行深入探討。 (二)可選擇不同國籍之研究參與者或是加入新移民的家人,探究其對新移民從事志願服務的看法。


This research aims to explore the motivation, journey and challenges of the new immigrant volunteers of the Learning Center for New Immigrants in Taoyuan County. Participants of this research included six new immigrant volunteers and three school administrators who were responsible for the voluntary work. The research was conducted by the means of interviews, Participatory observations and document analysis. Based on the literature review and research findings, some conclusions were found as follows: 1. The motivation of the new immigrant volunteers is to meet personal needs, to help others, to repay society with enthusiasm, to be encouraged by surrounded people, to spend spare time, to be attracted by the characteristics of the organization or its members. 2. The new immigrants after the volunteers involved in voluntary services into multi-variabled interaction, the family's support, the living area expanded, increasing learning opportunities, and enhance self-confidence and cetainty and emotional changes and give vent to other aspects. 3. The challenges faced by the new immigrant volunteers included several aspects of the organization members,organization, the target clients, the master unit, and themselves. According to the conclusions mentioned above, some implications and suggestions for the new immigrants volunteers are made as follows: 1. They should seize the opportunities to learn during their voluntary work. 2. They should understand the distribution and collaboration of the voluntary work. 3. They should share their own experience to encourage others to join the voluntary work. 4. They should empower each other to unit the team. 5. They should cultivate the view of the multicultural education. The following are some suggestions for the Learning Center for New Immigrants in Taoyuan County: 1. The center should assist the new immigrant volunteers to establish an organizational structure system. 2. The center needs to schedule volunteer training programs regularly to reduce the difficulties and challenges of the voluntary work. 3. The center ought to develop the administrative competence for the new immigrant volunteers to solve the problem of inadequate man power. 4. Encourage the central's admnistraive staff involved in education of new immigrants' learning or courses, and reduce the communication difficulties. 5. Open the personal communication courses and studying, it will be reduce volunteer and poor communication between the clients. 6. The center should better promote their work to encourage the new immigrants to join the activities and learning courses. 7. The center can provide systematic programs to strengthen the confidence and ability of the new immigrant volunteers 8. The center must increase the interaction between the new immigrant volunteers and other associations or the mainstream culture. On the basis of the findings in this research, some suggestions are provided for the future research: 1. Future research could explore various issues related to the Learning Center for New Immigrants or the new immigrant volunteers who provides services in other types of voluntary work. 2. Future research could study the new immigrant volunteers from different nationalities or family members to explore their point of views regarding voluntary work.


