  • 學位論文


The relationships between commercial space and pedestrian mobility - A case study of Xinyi Planning Area

指導教授 : 黃慶輝


摘要 城市中的商業空間,滿足業者對於各種營業形式的使用需求,同時針對不同族群消費者的消費訴求,進行空間使用的調整;台北信義計畫區中的商業活動頻繁,為台灣北部都會區的重要商業活動中心,在國際化趨勢推動下,逐漸注入更多先進的設計方法與思維,而為了便利各種不同使用需求,商業空間設計應用便成為重要的空間設計課題。商業空間的設計不拘限於建築表層的立面,也不僅止於內部室內空間的設計,任何各種不同形式的穿越空間、中介空間與通道皆可見以商業應用為主軸的空間設計,而這些空間模式與建築語彙的設計,和行人的移動以及其活動行為有不同程度的關聯性。其中行人徒步區與街道家具的設計方法,通常針對安全、實用、美觀等方向來進行延伸,滿足對機能、造型、與結構的要求;在商業空間中的行人徒步區設計,對於人們在空間中移動,所感受到的線性空間美感有相當大的影響。 因此包含商業空間與行人徒步區在內的各種開放空間設計,大量運用創意、通用與永續設計的思維趨勢來發展,滿足在空間中不同使用者對移動美學的需求,藉以吸引顧客進行商業行為。本研究計畫以台北市信義計畫區內,行人徒步區與空橋系統構成移動軸線的商業空間作為主要研究範圍,針對商業空間設計與行人移動的各種行為之間,可能產生關聯性的各項條件進行研究。以商業空間裡的空橋系統與行人徒步區中,各種類型設施物及其所包含的街道家具、懸掛物等等進行探討,對空間設計方法與配置型態進行研究,以使用者在不同時段的環境行為,與空間中產生的實質痕跡進行調查,運用移動美學架構來操作分析商業空間與行人移動互相影響的各項條件,依照研究成果分析所得之各種空間設計與配置產生的問題,提出對商業空間設計與規劃的改善方法及後續研究建議。


Abstract Urban commercial space to meet the proprietors for the use of various forms of business needs, while the consumption of different groups of consumers demands for space use adjustments; Taipei Xinyi District in the business activity for the major metropolitan area in northern Taiwan commercial activity centers, driven by the international trend, and gradually into more advanced design methods and thinking, and in order to facilitate the use of a variety of different needs, commercial space design applications has become important design issues of space. Informal limited commercial space design architecture facade surface, it does not stop within the interior space design, any space through various forms of intermediary space and access are seen as the main commercial applications of space design, and these spatial patterns and architectural vocabulary of design, and pedestrian movement and behavior of its activities to different levels of relevance. One pedestrian areas and street furniture design, often for safety, utility, aesthetics, etc. to carry out the direction of extension, meet function, shape, and structure of the request; in the commercial space in the design of the pedestrian precinct, for people in space movement, the feel of the linear space there is a considerable aesthetic impact. Therefore contains commercial space and a pedestrian precinct, including a variety of open space design, extensive use of innovative and sustainable design thinking general trend to develop, to meet the different users in the mobile space, aesthetic needs, in order to attract customers to do business . This project is Eastern Taipei area, a pedestrian precinct and the overpass bridge system constitutes the axis of the commercial space movement as the main research areas, for commercial space design and pedestrian movement between the various acts, the possible relevance of the conditions are studied. Empty commercial space systems and pedestrian bridge area, the types of facilities, materials and street furniture included, pedants, etc. to discuss, design and configuration of space to study patterns to the user at different time environmental behavior, and traces of the substance produced in space to investigate the use of mobile aesthetic framework to operate commercial space and pedestrian movement interact with the conditions, according to research results from analyzing the design and configuration of space problems arise, put forward commercial space design and planning of improvements and future research.


蔣淑娟(2004),《市場區隔與定位理論應用於商業空間之室內設計的研究》,中原大學 室內設計研究所碩士論文。


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