  • 學位論文

奧維德《變形記》與超現實主義的對話 —變形影像創作報告

The Conversation of Ovid's Metamorphoses with Surrealism —The proposal transformation image Design

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


希臘羅馬神話向來是滋養歐洲文學藝術的沃土,奧維德(Ovid,43BC.-18AD.)在西元前8-2年,以獨特的『變形』觀點為主軸,串起散落的神話,更添加新意撰寫《變形記》(Metamorphoses)。奧維德擅長刻畫人物心理,活潑生動的故事情節躍然紙上,成為後世藝術家詮釋神話的珍貴寶庫。 變形可以視為靈魂與肉體的對話、形而上與形而下的交流溝通、精神與物質的抵抗衝撞;從奧維德以降,《變形記》成為異教題材的資料庫之一,深受藝術家的喜愛。一直到工業革命以後,科技日新月異、資本主義與城市文明漸漸浮現弊病,現代人被機械包圍的焦灼、對人類未來的疑慮、對瞬息變化的社會節奏所造成的無所適從與茫然不安、對戰爭摧毀文明與生命的無奈和激憤等等,造成超現實主義再一次以反動之姿尋找心靈宣洩的另一個出口。佛洛伊德的心理分析與夢的解析理論適時出現,成為跨界跨領域一個劃時代的理論工具,超現實主義藝術家也深受佛洛伊德提出的夢與潛意識理論影響;藉由變形,超現實主義又開始扭曲或打破形體的限制,展現心理影響生理或者生理無法控制心理的變化。因此在本文獻探討中將深究奧維德《變形記》一書所傳達的變形概念與其對於西方藝術的影響,以及《變形記》所闡述的「變形不變性」理念與超現實主義運動的精神兩者的相關聯性。 而在視覺藝術史上,奧維德《變形記》實發揮舉足輕重的影響力,直至今日,仍然被許多從事藝術設計者所利用,只是我們司空見慣而渾然無所覺,實則取資前人甚多。本創作理念將以奧維德《變形記》變形的概念與當代藝術連結,利用現代數位科技電腦繪圖軟體,結合變形理念與超現實主義的精神與藝術表現,進行圖像創作。本創作作品深刻表達《變形記》強調的「變形不變性」理念;並期望藉由本創作論文能使現今二十一世紀的我們以及未來從事藝術工作者,更能理解傳世的文學經典如何影響千年來的視覺藝術,不致忽視文學作品對視覺藝術的影響,則這不只是奧維德與超現實主義的對話、古人與今人的對話、也是文字與藝術的互動與對話。


Greek mythology is the foundation of Europe literature. Ovid (43BC.-18AD.), who is good at describing the mindsets of characters, completed “Metamorphoses” with the special “deforming” point of view thru the mythology and made it become a masterpiece where the world finds the best interpretation of the mythology from. “Deforming” can be regarded as the talk between the soul and the flesh, the communication between "metaphysical" and "physical", the collision between spirit and material. “Metamorphoses” has been one of the databanks for the heathenism topics, which are favored by artists. After Industrial Revolution, the science has rapid and huge progresses, Capitalism and city culture reveals its corruption, human are surrounded by machines. Human’s anxiety and doubts about future and the changeable society, being helpless, powerless and angry, bring the Surrealism to the world again to find humans another exit. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis and Die Traumdeutung emerged at this moment and became the age leading methodology. Surrealism, influenced by Sigmund Freud’s Die Traumdeutung, started to twist or break the limitation of formality via the concept of deforming and managed to reveal the transformation of psychological status affecting physical status or physical status failing to control psychological status via interpreting the deforming of light, darkness and the scene. Therefore, this research is an inquiry into Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” to mull over the concept of transformation and its effect on western art. With regard to the “Metamorphoses” it represents an idea about “corporeal deformation without but spiritual uniform within”, and I shall study the relation between which and the psyche of surrealism. In the history of visual art, Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” has tremendous influence and has been leveraged by many art designers till today, who might not even be aware of that. This research will combine Ovid’s metamorphism with contemporary art, utilizing pictorial software of modern digital technology which composed the latest creation in the field of computer design. This research is to understand how the classic literature has influenced Visual art thousands of years, by linking up Ovid and the present art via the concept of deforming. It is not only the talk between Ovid and Surrealism, the ancient and the modern, but also the word and the art.


image Design Surrealism Metamorphoses Ovid


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