  • 學位論文


A Study on Vocational Course to Influence Professional Competency – A Case of Database Management at Department of Information Management, CYCU

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


本研究旨在探討大學課程中以職能為導向之課程對大學生專業能力之影響,並探討修習職能課程對修課學生之專業能力是否具有正向效果。本研究主要實施對象為中原大學資訊管理系內修習資料庫管理課程之學生以及曾經修習過該程且現今已於業界任職之畢業生,研究設計為利用客觀資料、個案訪談、前測及後測問卷調查進行資料蒐集與分析,共計獲得有效配對樣本105 份。根據研究結果顯示職能課程學習成效對資訊管理系中修課同學之專業能力具有正向影響。 本研究建議有職能課程開課之大專院校相關科系,應善用職能教育來激發學生的潛能,並鼓勵學生探索他們有興趣的專業領域,進而培養專業素養,提升學生的競爭能力。因職能課程以培養專業人才為主要目標,其最終目的在於期望修習職能課程之學生能於相關專業能力上達到符合業界需求之標準。另對於職能課程授課內容是否符合業界實際工作內容。本研究亦建議透過業界與學界的適當定期交流,可以及時讓學界修正教學內容,同時提高職能課程的教學成效與品質,俾使業界能在最短時間內獲得具良好專業素養之人才,同時可增進畢業生進入相關行業之意願。相信經由學界與業界彼此間互相交流,定能透過時間的累積,逐漸磨合出一套可行的合作機制,使得大學學生能透過修習職能課程培養出適用之專業職能。


This study is to investigate the courses of the University curriculum in the function-oriented's influence on college students ' professional ability, and attend functions of course discussed the course of students ' professional ability with positive effects Subjects in this study for the Central Plains information attend database management course within the department of management of the University students, and has practiced before the trip and is now at the industry Office of graduate, research design for the use of objective data, interviews, pre-test and post-test questionnaires for data collection and analysis ,Sample amounted to an effective pairing 105, according to the research functions of course learning outcomes for information management professional or graduate students in the course have positive impact. This study suggests that relevant departments at any course of colleges, functions should make good use of education come to stimulate students ' potential and encourage students to explore the areas of interest they are interested in fostering professionalism enhance students ' competitiveness. functional curriculum to cultivate professional talents as the main objective, Its ultimate goal is to course students expected to attend functions in the relevant standards of the professional capability to meet the needs of the industry. Course content is consistent with industry practice for functions also recommendations through regular communication with the appropriate academic Field fixed content in a timely manner, and improve the effectiveness and functions of teaching quality So that the industry can in the shortest possible period of time to get good professionalism of personnel, and willingness to promote graduates to enter industries, Believe that through mutual exchange between academics and industry Will be cumulative through gradually running out a set of feasible cooperation mechanism Allows University students to attend functions lessons developed for professional functions.


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