  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Using the Magic Board to Develop the TPACK of an Elementary Mathematics Teacher.

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究旨在探討數學教師於四年級數學領域實施萬用揭示板教學之歷程,以及對其科技學科教學知識(TPACK)發展的影響,最後探討萬用揭示板實施困境與因應之道。 本研究透過行動研究的方式,實施萬用揭示板於三十名國小四年級學生的數學教學中,進行角度、分數、面積與周長及小數四個教學單元,於九十九學年度第一學期實施(99年9月至99年12月),蒐集質性資料,包含:教學錄影、數學日記、晤談資料、會議記錄、教學省思札記、TPACK觀察問卷等,並進行資料的整理與分析。獲致主要的研究結果如下: 一、虛擬教具能補足實體教具過小的問題,對於學生建構數學概念有輔助效果;虛擬教具有助於學生對角度、分數、面積以及小數概念的學習,但是在教學中,學生仍然需要動手操作,以充分釐清相關數學概念。 二、數學教師TPACK的發展到改變,是從整體教材的評估轉為更重視細微的概念;透過多樣的教學表徵,以動態的方式呈現視覺物件、符號及算式;採用不同的教學策略,將數學概念和過程轉換為學生可理解的形式;提供學生嘗試錯誤的思考空間,讓低成就的學生有更多參與學習的機會。相較傳統教學方式更能有效地達成教學目標,同時精進教師的科技素養與教學知能。 三、在實施歷程中,產生操作介面不熟悉、教材設計不易、不便備課、教學周邊設備故障頻繁等困難,所幸經行動研究中的省思與修正,順利的解決。對未來相關研究的建議有:針對使用萬用揭示板的數學教師和一般數學教師進行相關比較研究,針對單一或數個研究對象就教師TPACK層面進行深入的訪談、研發TPACK的量表。


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of using the magic board into math instruction for the fourth graders and the impacts of develpoping the teacher’s TPACK using action research.. This study is conducted via action research viewpoint. The reseacher uses the magic board into math instruction for thirty fourth graders in an elementary school. This study is carried out over the period of one semester in which the curriculum is divided into four research units such as angle, fraction, area, and decimal from September in 2010 to December in 2010. Data are gathered via various methods like teaching videotapes, math diaries, interviews , teaching reflection notes and TPACK observation qutionnaires, etc. According to the data analysis and discussion, the results were synthesized as follows: 1.Virtual manipulatives can overcome the difficulties that traditional concrete ones are too small and have auxiliary effects on constructing concepts. Virtual manipulatives are more beneficial than traditional concrete ones for students to clarify the conceptions of angle, fraction, area and decimal. And in the teaching process, it’s necessary for students to operate by themselves to clarify the associated concepts. 2.To develop and chage the Mathematics teacher’s TPACK , the Mathematics teacher put importance on minute concepts instead of evaluating teaching materials wholly;provide various representations;find ways to demonstrate vitual objects, symbols and equations;adopt different teaching methods;transform math concepts and the learning process into comprehensible forms;provide thinking space to make mistakes;give the low achievemnt students more opportunities to participate in learning. Compared with traditional teacing methods, using the magic board can achieve teaching goals effctively and reform the Mathematics teacher’s literacy of Information Technology and teaching expertise. 3.In the prccess of implementation , the researcher faces the following difficulties: unfamiliar with operating interface;hard to design teaching materials; inconvenient to prepare lessions;the computer hardware frequently broken-down down. Fortunately, through the reflection and the correction, the above-mentioned difficulties have been overcome. Reasearch-related Suggestions are proposed as follows:compare the differences between the math teachers who use magic board or not;conduct in-denth interviews with single or several teachers for TPACK;develop TPACK scales.


TPACK PCK the magic board virtual manipulatives


袁媛、陳國龍、張世明(2007)。萬用揭示板(Magic Board)-國小特教老師的數學教學


