  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Leadership Style, Trust and Leadership Effectiveness - The Moderating Variable of Downsizing

指導教授 : 邱雅萍


在現今動盪的全球環境中,競爭日趨激烈,導致企業不得不採取非常手段去因應,其中常見的行為包括惡意併購或組織精簡,因此部屬對領導者的信任危機,對組織中的領導者而言已成為一個值得重視的問題。成功的領導者或許都有自己獨特的領導風格,而領導本身即領導者以影響力來影響部屬完成組織或個人的目標任務,換言之,為了達到組織的目標,領導者必須發展出自己的領導風格,以獲取部屬的信任,改善與部屬的關係,進而提升領導效能來達成組織目標。本研究目的在探討真誠領導與轉換型領導對於信任、領導者─成員交換關係與領導效能的影響,以及組織精簡為干擾變數之下,是否影響真誠領導和轉換型領導對信任和領導者─成員交換關係的正向效果。 本研究利用網路與紙本問卷發放,為了避免共同方法變異的問題,將問卷分成兩份,其中自變數(真誠領導、轉換型領導)一份,以及依變數(信任、LMX、領導效能)一份,且題項皆隨機編排。兩份問卷間隔二週發放,共回收152份有效問卷。各量表測量均有良好的信度,經驗證性因素分析結果也確立具建構效度,並利用SPSS進行研究變項相關與階層迴歸分析。 結果顯示在控制年資、職位與跟隨年數的影響後,真誠領導與轉換型領導分別對信任、領導者─成員交換和領導效能有顯著正向影響,但這種正向影響會隨著員工經歷過組織精簡而減少,顯示組織精簡會對真誠領導和轉換型領導對信任和領導者─成員交換有干擾關係。表示員工經歷過組織精簡後會對主管的信任與領導者─成員交換關係降低。由本研究結果瞭解到真誠領導與轉換型領導對領導效能的重要性,企業必須重視領導者所扮演的角色,提升真誠領導與轉換型領導的程度,對員工的信任與改善與主管的關係產生正面的助益,給予成員甚至社會一個良好的典範。此外本研究對於真誠領導和轉換型領導的運用提出實際作法與建言,期能對實務界的施行有實質貢獻。最後,提出對未來研究建議與本研究之限制。


This study examines with an empirical analysis on authentic and transformational leadership. After reviewing the preview literature on leadership, we propose five main hypothesis. In the first hypothesis, we discuss the relationship between authentic and transformational leadership and trust and leader-member exchange(LMX). In the second hypothesis, we discuss the moderating effect of leadership style and trust on downsizing. In the third hypothesis, we discuss the moderating effect of leadership style and LMX relationship on downsizing. In the fourth hypothesis, we discuss the relationship between trust and LMX. In the fifth hypothesis, we discuss the relationship between trust and LMX relationship and leadership effectiveness. The participants of the study were 152 employees from various jobs which simultaneously collected by paper and internet questionnaire. After reliability estimation and confirmatory factor analysis, the results revealed that the measurement had satisfactory reliability and validity respectively, so the next step were variable correlation and hierarchical regression analysis. Results of the regression analysis indicated that after controlling the effect of seniority, position and the fellow years between manager and employee, trust, LMX and leadership effectiveness were positively influenced by authentic leadership and transformational leadership, and downsizing moderate the positive effect from authentic leadership and transformational leadership to trust and LMX. The results suggested that authentic leadership and transformational leadership played an important role in corporation which could not be neglected. Finally, the implication of this work for leadership style and the practical methods of developing leaders were discussed.


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