  • 學位論文


The Human Reliability Improvement of Chemicals Truck Filling in a Case of Optoelectronics Industry

指導教授 : 呂志維


本研究之目的是針對光電業面板廠之化學槽車灌充的流程做人為可靠度之分析,透過現場觀察、人員訪談,將作業動作記錄下來,然後利用階層式作業分析(HTA)、系統化人為失誤減少與預測方法(SHERPA)、人為失誤評估與減少技術(HEART)算出人為失誤率,最後利用人為事件樹(HRA Event Tree)分析化學槽車灌充中化學液體洩漏的情形。 研究結果顯示光阻剝離液槽車灌充作業,以槽車進出廠時過磅這個動作失誤率較高為0.036,化學液體洩漏機率為0.002;單乙醇胺槽車灌充作業,以槽車進出廠時過磅這個動作失誤率較高為0.032,化學液體洩漏機率為0.011,針對這些較高失誤率的動作,設法降低其失誤率,以提升人為可靠度,此結果有助於未來面板廠槽車灌充作業的失誤模式建立,以期改善其制度或作業流程。


The purpose of this research is analyzing the human reliability of chemical truck filling process in a panel factory of optoelectronics industry.We will do site observation,interview, record the task step,and using HTA,SHERPA,HEART to calculate the human error probability.Otherwise we use HRA Event Tree to analyse chemical liquid leakage of the chemical truck filling. The result of Stripper truck filling shows weighing when the truck pass in and out the factory has a higher human error probability 0.036.The chemical liquid leakage probility is 0.002; The result of EL-MEA truck filling shows weighing when the truck pass in and out the factory also has a higher error probability 0.032.The chemical liquid leakage probility is 0.011.We must reduce the human error probability of these operation to improve the human reliability. This result can help to establish the error model to improve the operation procedure or the system of chemical truck filling process in panel factories.


human error human reliability SHERPA HEART HRA Event Tree


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