  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 饒 忻


近年來,隨著筆記型電腦的需求增加,廢棄物的產生也越來越多。其廢棄物不僅包含有價值的零件與材料,也具有有害物質,若處理不當,會帶來損失及環境衝擊;因此,產品生命週期的參與者應該要在整條供應鏈中落實再使用、再製造及回收等有效的管理方式,是刻不容緩的議題。 本研究目的在於建立數學模式,探討目前台灣筆記型電腦在生命週期結束時最佳處理的方式,其考量再使用、再製造及回收處理方式,以取得最佳的利潤。模式中的系統成員包含零件供應商、製造商、政府、回收地點、二手市場、二手製造商及回收商,本研究呈現了其間之產品流及金流。結果顯示將所有使用過的筆記型電腦送至二手使用者再使用,其獲得的利潤最大。此外,本研究進行參數探討,利用回收產品的比例、二手筆記型電腦和零件的價格、Advanced Recycling Fee及二手零件回收數量,探討與瞭解本研究系統的利潤總額的變化。另外,本研究將瑞士廢棄物處理系統概念應用於臺灣廢棄物處理系統,發現台灣目前之系統較瑞士系統有較大產品回收率的承受度,然而當回收率增加時,無論何系統都得調整。相信本研究的結果可作為在實施廢棄物的處置及補貼政策時的參考。


With a high demand of notebook computers in recent years, a bulk of wastes will be generated in the next few years accordingly.Notebook computer wastes contain not only valuable materials and parts, but also hazardous substances as well. Due to the environmental impact of these wastes, effective management such as reusing, remanufacturing, and recycling, is an essential issue for the participants in the supply chain and life cycle. The objective of this research is to develop a mathematicalmodel to determine the optimal handling of used notebook computersin order to obtain the optimal profit by considering reusing, remanufacturing, and recycling handling methods based on the current Taiwan system. The system consists of part supplier, manufacturer, government, collection site, reuser site, remanufacturer, and recycler. The study deals with the flows of material and cash in the model. The result shows that the optimal profit is obtained by sending all the used products to the reuser site. Then, some tests are presented to understand the effect of parameters on the total profit of system, such as returned product percentage, used product price, used part price,Advanced Recycling Fee, and number of used partsrecycled. In addition, this study applies the concept of Switzerland waste handling to the Taiwan system. We find that the Taiwan system can hold higher product return rate than Switzerland system; however, when the product return rate keep increasing, both systems cannot hold and need to modify. We believe that the results of this study can serve as a reference for the policy-making with used products handling and subsidy.


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