  • 學位論文


Measurements of Density, Viscosity, and Solubility of Deep Eutectic Solvents and their Aqueous Solutions

指導教授 : 李夢輝


本研究為探討二氧化碳在低共熔溶劑(DES):Reline (Choline Chloride + Urea)、Maline (Choline Chloride + Maline)、Ethaline (Choline Chloride + Ethanediol)、Glyceline (Choline Chloride + Glycerol) 與水(H2O) 之間的溶解度性質研究,以及此四種低共熔溶劑的密度及黏度量測研究。溶解度量測系統的溫度範圍為30 ~ 40°C;濃度範圍為20 ~ 80 wt%。密度及黏度量測系統的溫度範圍為30 ~ 50°C;濃度範圍為50 ~ 80 wt%。 本實驗所使用的計算模式,在回歸計算亨利常數結果時是使用 differential Henry’s coefficient 模式計算。在密度與黏度的實驗量測數據則由 Modified Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher equation 及 Redlich-Kister-typer equation 求得回歸參數值。 主要觀察隨著濃度與溫度的變化,對於雙成份系統的低共熔溶劑 (DES) + 水(H2O) 水溶液的密度、黏度及二氧化碳溶解度的變化趨勢。研究結果的數據可用作反應動力學參考依據。


亨利常數 黏度 密度 低共熔溶劑


In this study, the solubilities of carbon dioxide into solutions of deep eutectic solvent (DES) and water were measured at temperatures 30 – 40°C and atmospheric pressure. Four DES systems were studied namely: Reline (Choline Chloride + Urea), Maline (Choline Chloride + Maline), Ethaline (Choline Chloride + Ethanediol), Glyceline (Choline Chloride + Glycerol). The concentration range of the aqueous DES systems was 20 – 80 wt%. Measurements of the densities and viscosities of the studied systems at 50 – 80 wt% DES from 30 – 40°C were also done. The experimental data for the solubilities of CO2 in the DES systems were represented as a function of temperature and composition using a differential Henry’s coefficient model. The density and vicosity data were also correlated to the temperature and composition by a Redlich-Kister-type equation and a Modified Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher equation, respectively. Results showed that the applied correlations satisfatorily represented the present measurements as indicated by the low absolute average deviations between the experimental and calculated data; thus, they can be accurately used in engineering design calculations.


Solubility Viscosity Density Deep Eutectic Solvents


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