  • 學位論文


Economic production models for imperfect manufacturing process considering rework, lost sale and service level

指導教授 : 黃惠民


高科技產業的蓬勃發展下,隨著產品的創新及多元性,其產品的生命週期也愈來愈短,因此,對於企業而言,必須同時兼顧產品的生產數量及良好的服務水準,將是一門重要課題及致勝關鍵。 企業應當針對存貨問題來進行有效的管理,其原因為存貨在企業的總成本裡佔據非常大的部分,不論是「生產過剩」或是「缺貨」都將造成企業的損失。此外,在現實生活中,缺貨的發生難以避免,其可能伴隨著一些額外之成本,考量到顧客失去耐心及忠誠度,而造成失單的問題,因此在模式中,將缺貨欠撥納入考量有其必要性。 本研究將針對伴隨著不完美生產系統之重工修復及失單的部分補貨問題進行分析,推導出最佳化的生產策略及服務水準的關係。本研究模式建立以供應鏈存貨理論為基礎且利用數學軟體 、 進行運算求解,以供應商單位時間總成本最小化為目標,從中求解出不同服務水準之下的最佳的生產數量及缺貨數量,並透過範例分析和敏感度分析來瞭解影響系統之主要參數及解釋說明此模式的合理性與可行性。


In recent years, the booming high-tech industries along with rapid product innovation have created a highly competitive environment for enterprise. This leads enterprises in the supply chain to innovate their strategies. Moreover, enterprises are dealing with products characterized by uncertain demands and short life cycle. For their reason, effective management of inventory is an important issue. This prevents shortage that leads to additional cost, loss of orders and customer complaints. In real life, shortage is difficult to avoid, but excessive inventory to prevent shortage may also lead to tremendous cost. Hence, this study proposes an economic production inventory model for an imperfect production system considering rework, lost sale and service level. The objective of the study is to achieve an optimal production policy that gives the minimum total cost for the supplier. In the model, shortage can be backordered and some of the items are repairable. The model is solved using Maple 13 and Excel 2007. Numerical example and sensitivity analysis are provided to validate the model and to illustrate the impact of the parameters. Finally, the study gives managerial insights to enterprises on the effective management of inventory considering rework, lost sale and service level.


rework service level. backorder production process lost sale


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