  • 學位論文


A study of the transformation of street patterns in Chungli City─during the year from 1904 to 2010


一個大城市的起源,往往來自於一條街。俗話說「鑑往知來」,對於都市未來的發展與計畫是否符合當地的需求,關鍵在於對從前都市的了解。本研究主要以都市形態學的觀點,探討街道紋理的演變,並希望藉由此研究,能夠作為未來都市發展時的參考。 本研究主要有以下三點目的: 1.分析中壢地區道路的演變 2.指認各時期街道系統演變之重要差異 3.探討中壢地區的道路類型 由於中壢市街於日治時期後才有較詳細的地圖測繪,因此,本研究探討的時間範圍為1904年至2010年。在地圖史料上以日治時期四個不同年份之市街圖(1904、1923、1933、1938)與光復後六個時期(1966、1978、1983、1993、2003、2010)的航照圖做為道路紋理的底圖,並大致以外圍環狀道路為範圍,釐清各時期街道之變化。本研究著重於街道紋理的變化與歷史背景的考察,因此研究方法以文獻、檔案蒐集為主;並輔以實地觀察,補足上述資料紀錄之不足。 本研究有以下四點發現: 1.中壢市區的街道方位,主要依循著中正路以及老街溪的方位而成。整體都市的道路架 構以放射狀的聯外道路以及環狀的市區內連結道路為主,並輔以其它格狀及線形的區內道路做為中壢主要的骨幹。 2.中壢道路紋理的變遷有兩個重要的時期:1923年─1933年,以及1978年─1982年。實施市區計畫後,引進西方的格子狀連結道路,中壢邁入近代化都市。1970年代,因經濟發展的需求連帶促使交通建設積極推動,使得中壢地區主要的道路系統呈現出現今之樣貌。 3.中壢地區的道路類型主要分為不規則網狀紋理、方形格子狀紋理、主要次要道路分明的格狀紋理,以及不規則網狀加上格狀紋理的綜合類型。這些道路類型與區域發展、時代的變遷具有相當的關連性。 4.形成現今中壢地區道路形式的主因,日治時期為貨運、交易往來的發達,以及計畫道路的引進;光復後因為人口增長,使得都市不斷成長,形成現今的道路形式。


A big city often originated from a street. The understanding of the past of a city is very crucial to conform the local needs for her future development Based on urban morphological point of view, this study explores historical transformation of the urban textures of Chungli City. The results of this study can be used as references and suggestions for future urban development. Three research objectives of this research are: 1. To analyze of the changes of street pattern, 2. To identify important differences on street pattern of each time period, 3. To explore the road types in Chungli City. Due to the detailed and accurate maps of the city were made during the Japanese colonial period, the scope of this study was started from 1904 to 2010. There were ten city maps utilized by this study: 1904, 1923, 1933, 1938, 1966, 1978, 1983, 1993, 2003, and 2010. This research focuses on the changes in the street texture and the study of their historical background. Research method mainly focuses on literature review, and supplemented by field observations. Four key findings of this research are: 1. The major street orientation was followed Chung-cheng Road and Old Street Stream. The overall road structure was formed by connecting suburban major radial roads and inner city ring roads. 2. Chungli City’s street pattern has two important transformation periods: 1923 to 1933, and 1978 to 1982. The appearance of today’s road system was based on the considerable economic development during the 1970s. 3. Street patterns of the city can be divided into four types: irregular, rectangular grids, major and minor road grids, and the mixed types. These street types well closely related to their areal developments and time transformations of the city. 4. The main causes of the formation of the present street pattern of Chungli were the implementation of urban planning and the economic growth during the Japanese colonial period. Afterwards, the increase of population keeps expanding the city and gradually formed the present street pattern.


7. 行政院農業委員會林務局農林航空測量所(1978)。航空照片─中壢。
8. 行政院農業委員會林務局農林航空測量所(1983)。航空照片─中壢。
9. 行政院農業委員會林務局農林航空測量所(1993)。航空照片─中壢。
10. 行政院農業委員會林務局農林航空測量所(2003)。航空照片─中壢。
11. 行政院農業委員會林務局農林航空測量所(2010)。航空照片─中壢。


