  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Repatriate Management, Repatriate Adjustment and Work Attitudes

指導教授 : 諸承明


在今日全球經濟體制下,企業國際化已成家常便飯,國際化企業經營重點則是在尋找符合本身需求的人力與具競爭力的人才。在國際化的初期,企業必須保有一批充足、移動性高的人力資源,以配合國際化策略之需要,派至海外建立子公司的制度架構,並負責其營運。但派遣人員總有歸國返任的一天,派遣人員派遣至國外會面臨適應情形,相對的返國後依然會有適應情形,但當今企業對此問題經由本研究發現能真正有管理政策者不多,且人才屬於公司寶貴資源之一,也是競爭優勢來源,如何能使回任人員能留在公司,發揮海外所學技能,是本研究主要探討之目的。經本研究分析結果為:公司回任管理政策與派遣人員回任適應程度是具有關聯性的以及員工回任適應程度與員工工作態度也是具有關聯性的。另方面,其公司的派遣政策(如:派遣時間、派遣地點等)部分會影響公司回任管理政策與員工回任適應程度之間的關聯性、員工個體屬性(如:性別、年齡、職階等)部分也會影響員工回任適應程度與員工工作態度之間的關聯性。 最後本研究將針對結果對企業做出以下建議,以提供企業未來派遣人員政策或人員甄選的參考- (一)從回任適應角度來建議- 在財務適應上,若公司能將海外任務執行績效,列入返國回任後在母公司薪資之調整,一方面能彌補薪資福利所減少的差距,另方面能增加海外派遣的意願。在工作適應上,在員工返國前應儘早規劃返任後之職位,能在回任前就給予訓練,以致於返國回任後就能直接銜接公司所給予之職位,並且給予專員長期輔導。 (二)從派遣屬性與個體屬性角度來建議- 企業必須去注意不同派遣屬性以及員工個體所產生的適應情形,因為不同的派遣屬性以及不同的個體面對適應情形皆不同,若企業將員工視為一整個個體,而不區分個體間彼此差別的話,那勢必會對一些較慢適應的員工造成莫大的壓力,致使員工工作績效無法提升。也因此本論文將針對不同派遣策略與不同個體屬性,分別去探討彼此間適應的情形。


Nowadays, business internationalization has become a common issue under the global economic system. The management point of international business is to search the suitable labor and the competitive workers to meet the need of the corporations. During the initially international stage, the enterprises should have to maintain a sufficient and highly movable group of workers to satisfy the requirement for the international strategy. By doing the step mentioned above, the enterprise can dispatch the employees overseas to build up the framework of the subsidiary company and let them to be in charge of the operation. However, the expatriated employees would come back to their original job some day. They will encounter the adaptable problems not only abroad but also return. Nevertheless, we found that there is not many enterprises now really work out this kind of problem effectively through this research. The labor is one of the valuable and competitive resources of a company. How to keep the employees and bring the skills they learn overseas into full play are two main objectives in this research. Through this research we can find out that the business repatriated management strategy and the repatriated employees’ adaptation degree is related and the employees’ repatriate adaptation degree is also related to their work attitude. Besides, the company’s expatriated strategies (ex. the expatriated time and the expatriated location) would partly affect the connection between the repatriated management strategies and the employees’ repatriated adaptation degree. Each employee’s characteristics (ex. sex, age, job status, etc.) will also partly effect the relation between the employees’ repatriated adaptation degree and the employees’ work attitude. Finally, this research will give the following suggestions to provide the enterprises some consultation for the expatriated strategy or the employee selection in the future. 1. The aspect of the repatriated adjustment- In the financial adaptation, if the company could put the overseas assignment achievements into the salary adjustment when they come back to there original work, it could reduce the gap due to the salary decrement and also increase the willing to be expatriated oversea. In work adaptation, the company should plan the positions early and give the employees training with the long-term guidance and assistance before they come back so that they could immediately accept the new ones. 2. The aspect of the expatriated attribute and individual characteristics- The company should pay attention to the employee’s adaptation problems due to the different expatriated attribute and individual characteristics. The reason is that the individual would encounter different expatriated attributes and the adapted situations. If the company views its all employees as a whole group and does not to distinguish their differences, it will definitely form a huge pressure to the employees adapting slower and let their work achievements cannot be promoted. For the reasons mentioned above, this paper will focus on different expatriated strategies and individual characteristics and discuss the adaptation problems separately.


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