  • 學位論文


The Marketing Segmentation of the third Communication System and Customer Satisfaction

指導教授 : 許通安


透過Rogers的創新採用理論,作為探討第三代行動電話產品接受程度之研究。探討採用第三代行動通訊產品的消費者,是否能以生活型態來加以區隔,找出目標族群。研究不同生活型態的消費族群,在人口統計變數、採用過程決策和產品屬性,是否有關,進而提供業者未來的行銷方向。 本研究以有使用手機的消費者為對象進行問卷調查研究,本研究發現:利用生活型態變數為基礎,可將受測者分成四個集群,分別為「務實購物型」、「流行購物型」、「時尚購物型」、「社交購物型」。並由卡方檢定發現,在產品採用過程變數:「資訊來源」、「採用原因」、「採用時間」、「接受價格」皆有關,且利用變異數分析發現,四個集群在「產品屬性」上有顯著的差異。 另外在行動通訊產業中競爭非常激烈,各家電信業者紛紛面臨到服務品質的考驗。因此面對顧客的服務需求愈來愈多,電信業者為了維繫良好的顧客關係,因此紛紛提供更符合使用者需要的服務品質來提高顧客滿意程度。本研究以Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry服務品質缺口模式理論來探討已採用第三代行動通訊用戶針對電信業者所提供的服務,是否有在服務品質與滿意度有正向關係,並利用滿意度來探討忠誠度的問題。本研究發現: 1. 服務品質的期望與實際認知差距較大的有「在任何服務據點都能得到相同的服務」、「服務人員重視顧客的所有問題」二項,本研究也發現使用者期望與實際認知之間的差距對顧客滿意有正向影響,因此業者必須先從這兩個項目,加以確實的改進並落實執行,才能提升服務品質及顧客滿意。 2. 在滿意度方面,不論是「期望服務水準」、「實際認知水準」、「實際與期望差距」對「滿意度」皆有正向影響。 3. 在忠誠度方面,顧客滿意因素「價格」、「服務」、「整體表現」對「忠誠度」也有正向影響。


The purpose of the thesis, while using Roger's Innovation Adoption Theory as its frame, is to identify the acceptance of the 3G Mobile Phone based on mobile phone consumers' preference and their demand for the services. We try to find out whether the 3G Mobile Phone consumers can be segregated by their life style so as to identify target consumer groups and to describe their characteristics. And to provide our research results to the industry to formulate their marketing strategies. The samples we used for this study are the Taiwan area consumers who attending to the Internet usage habits. The research concludes the following results: From the samples we discovered that potential users could be effectively segregated by life style. We found the consumers’ adoption behavior variables shows difference do exist in terms of the image of 3G Mobile Phone and acceptable price. Owing to the liberalization and globalization in the telecom market, the competition has been getting more and more. The most important business for the telecom industry of Taiwan is how to promote service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. The main study has focused on the relation ship between service quality and customer satisfaction, and loyalty, taking the third communication industries in Taiwan for an example. The study linked up ith the related literature on service quality, customer satisfaction customer loyalty. Refer to PZB chart for which a measure model is devised 3G telecom industry of Taiwan. The research concludes the following results: 1. It has positive influence of service quality on customer satisfaction. 2. It has positive influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty.


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LO, L. Y. (2012). 互動式電子白板在符號教學之應用研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315295040
