  • 學位論文


Using Incinerator Bottom Ash as a Resource for Enhancing the Applicability of Earth Fills

指導教授 : 張達德


台灣焚化爐底渣組成成份中,氧化鈣含量超過20%。按照美國材料試驗協會(ASTM)之定義,氧化鈣含量超過10%屬膠結性、自硬性佳的材料。且底渣經處理後,其化學性質屬無毒害物質,歐美等先進國家已廣泛運用多年。故將高氧化鈣含量的底渣用於土石填方,不但可提高土石方強度,亦可消化大量焚化爐底渣。使焚化爐底渣轉型成為再生材料,以達到循環經濟、環保節能及資源永續發展的目標與精神。 本研究規劃以重量100%為基準,將紅土和粉砂拌合10%、20%、30%、40%、50%的過篩底渣。利用小型哈佛夯實模與標準夯實模製作夯實試體,並在攝氏21度、相對濕度大於90%之恆溫恆濕環境試驗機中進行養護。經齡期7天、14天、28天等養護期後,以單壓試驗結果分析其強度發展。底渣與土壤拌合後,因產生火山灰效應使土壤顆粒間產生膠結作用,使得土壤顆粒緊密結合而提升強度。 研究結果顯示,底渣改良紅土之小型哈佛夯實試體、標準夯實試體與未經底渣改良試體相比,強度分別提升約10倍、9.7倍;底渣改良粉砂之小型哈佛夯實試體與未經底渣改良試體相比,強度提升約5.5倍,改良成效顯著。而變異數分析結果確認配比、養護時間與強度具有顯著關係。試體單壓強度的增加表示凝聚力有所提升,故針對現地土石方進行底渣改良,可強化土石性能,使土石提高承載力及增加抗地表逕流沖刷之成效。


Taiwan incinerator bottom ash in composition, calcium oxide content exceeding 20%. According to United States society for testing and materials (ASTM) definitions of calcium oxide content exceeding 10% is the cementing material. Bottom ash treatment, their property is a non-toxic material, and other advanced countries in Europe and America have been widely used for many years. So the high content of calcium oxide bottom ash for soil-stone fill, not only to improve the strength of earthwork and stonework can also process a lot of incinerator bottom ash. Incinerator bottom ash into recycled materials, in order to achieve circular economy, environmental protection and energy saving and sustainable development objectives. Preparation of test specimens using Harvard Miniature Compaction Test and Standard Compaction Test , mixing 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% the amount of bottom ash in lateritic soil with a total weight of 100% for the benchmark. Cure compacted test specimens in an airtight, moisture proof container at a temperature of 21℃, relative humidity greater than 90% for the specified curing period of 7days, 14days, 28days. Based on the analysis of single pressure test its strength development. Bottom ash after mixing with the soil, soil particles caused due to volcanic ash effect cementation, soil particles combine and enhance the strength. Research shows that Harvard Miniature Compaction specimens of bottom ash modified clay, strength increase about 10 times; Bottom ash modified standard compaction of clay specimens strength lifting about 9.7 times; Bottom ash Harvard Miniature Compaction of silty sand specimens strength upgrading about 5.5 times. ANOVA results confirmed significant proportion, curing time and strength. Specimen single pressure increase cohesion strength has improved. Bottom ash upgrading the Earth load and increase the effect of runoff erosion resistance.


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【25】行政院環境保護署,2014 年,"全年營運統計表"。
