  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Self-Compassion, Spontaneous Self-Distancing, Rumination and Depression

指導教授 : 李怡真




The purpose of this study was to investigate whether spontaneous self-distancing would moderate the relationship between self-compassion, brooding rumination and depression. Many studies have shown that self-compassion is negatively associated with depression. Furthermore, brooding rumination is the partial mediator between self-compassion and depression. Those studies indicated that people with higher levels of self-compassion may have fewer brooding rumination and depression. By contrast, people with lower levels of self-compassion may suffer from brooding rumination and depression. The present study considered that self-distancing may benefit people with lower levels of self-compassion. When people analyze emotions surrounding past negative experiences in a more distancing way, this self-distancing perspective can help them reconstruct their experience, promote insight and lead to better outcomes, such as less degree of brooding rumination and depression. Thus, the present study presumed that spontaneous self-distancing may be the moderator between self-compassion and brooding rumination and the moderating effect of spontaneous self-distancing between self-compassion and brooding rumination would influence depression further. Therefore, it was hypothesized that participants who have lower levels self-compassion combined higher levels of spontaneous self-distancing would have less degree of brooding rumination and depression. On the other hand, mindfulness can promote self-kindness and common humanity(Neff, 2003) and the concept of mindfulness is similar with self-distancing (Kross & Ayduk, 2011). Thus, it is hypothesized that participants who has higher levels self-compassion combined higher levels of spontaneous self-distancing would also lead to fewer brooding rumination and depression. This study adopts a cross-sectional design. Participants were 191 undergraduates and were required to complete the questionnaires including Self-Compassion Scale, Response Style Questionnaire- Short-Form Revised, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, Depression Subscale of Symptom CheckList-90-Revised and Spontaneous Self-Distancing Assessment. The results showed that: (a) brooding rumination is the partial mediator between self-compassion and depression, (b) spontaneous self-distancing moderates the relationship between self-compassion and brooding rumination and (c) when self-compassion as independent variable, spontaneous self-distancing as moderator, brooding rumination as mediator and depression as dependent variable all entered into moderated mediation model, brooding rumination has moderated mediation effect. Based on above findings, the present research provides possible intervention orientation for people who suffering from brooding rumination and depression.


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