  • 學位論文


Applications of Au nanoparticles in the Identification of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Raman Spectroscopy

指導教授 : 李世琛 許毅芝


本研究主要是以拉曼光譜探討細胞內生物分子的訊號表現,藉由拉曼光譜所得到訊號表現趨勢以及奈米金修飾抗體在細胞內的分布表現,探討診斷頭頸癌細胞與正常細胞的可能性。本研究分為三個部分:第一部份為頭頸上皮癌細胞與正常纖維母細胞,利用不同合成方法之奈米金為拉曼基材,偵測癌細胞與正常細胞的差異。細胞訊號來源為核酸、蛋白質、脂質和代謝物,其中以核酸的訊號表現最為豐富。本研究發現腺嘌呤的訊號表現可作為區分頭頸癌細胞與正常細胞的指標;第二部份以光動力治療為測試細胞凋亡之功能,甲烯基藍作為光敏劑進行細胞培養後,觀察以663 nm光源照光前後,腺嘌呤訊號表現的變化。研究發現因為甲烯基藍受到光刺激後造成細胞凋亡導致腺嘌呤訊號表現隨照光時間增加而減弱,因此癌細胞經光動力治療後造成細胞毒殺之現象,腺嘌呤訊號可能發展成為癌症治療程度的指標;第三部份為在奈米金表面修飾表皮生長因子受體進行頭頸癌細胞培養,利用穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察奈米金在細胞內的分布,研究發現修飾後奈米金在細胞膜上,達到標靶頭頸癌細胞作用。


This study used Raman spectroscopy to investigate the signal performance of intracellular biomolecules. Based on the signal of adenine in Raman spectroscopy and the distribution of EGFR-modified gold nanoparticles in the cells, we explored the possibility of distinguishing head and neck squamous carcinoma cells from normal cells and/or diagnosing oral squamous cell carcinoma. The study is divided into three parts. In the first part, the differences between oral squamous cell carcinoma cells and normal fibroblasts were explored using gold nanoparticles, synthesized using different methods, as the Raman substrate. The sources of cell signals included nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and metabolites. Nucleic acids showed the most abundant signals. The signal from adenine can be used as a biomarker to distinguish cancer cells from normal cells. In the second part, methylene blue was used as a photosensitizer of the PDT study. The changes in signal of adenine were observed before and after exposure of the cells to light illumination at 663 nm. Methylene blue following photoexcitation led to cellular apoptosis, which caused deterioration of adenine signal with increasing duration of illumination. This phenomenon demonstrates that the adenine signal can be developed into a biomarker of the efficacy of cancer treatment. In the third part, the cells were cultured in the presence of gold nanoparticles coated with antibody-EGFR. Using transmission electron microscopy, the intracellular distribution of gold nanoparticles was observed that nanoAu@EGFR target on head and neck squamous carcinoma cells.


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