  • 學位論文


A Study of the Process of Architectural Planning and the Space and Form of the Architecture Building, CYCU

指導教授 : 曾光宗


本論文以中原大學建築系館作為研究對象的主要目的,首先藉由剖析設計者為第一代建築師又同為中原建築系首任系主任之黃寶瑜,其建築教育理念以及在臺發展期間之建築實踐作品。除了探究建築師個人設計思維的轉變現象之外;同時對照當代建築思潮的演進關係,以理解中原建築系館的興建歷程及其空間型態之設計意涵,進而發掘出現代建築思潮與設計手法在當時影響的端倪,並放置回台灣戰後建築發展脈絡之中以探究其建築設計的價值。 本論文屬個案研究;研究方法以「文獻調查法」為主,收集並歸納與此作品有關的歷史文獻,其中包含當時中原理工學院及建築工程系的刊物或報導文章等,以先建構1960年至1970年中原大學校園變遷的發展概況以及對建築學系設立過程的瞭解,進而發掘建築教育空間樣貌的轉變。另一方面,彙整當時的建築相關報導與評論,以及黃寶瑜個人的著作與論述,並對應臺灣同時期的建築作品,以理解黃寶瑜個人的建築作品特性。另外輔以「口述歷史訪談法」,訪談當時與此作品有關的老師與學生,以彌補文獻資料之不足。最後,彙整並歸納分析進而提出建議與結論。 總結研究中發現;首先,反映出黃寶瑜認為建築教育空間應為「交流的場所」的理念延伸至空間創造以「穿透」的特性呈現。再者,從其空間的設計型態來看,中原建築系館(1972)以幾何形定義機能空間及其具強烈雕塑感的外觀,明顯得早已脫離50年代古典對稱的操作手法,並放棄如故宮博物院(1965)既有「宮殿式」語彙所表徵的新中國現代建築之路線,同時掙脫60年代「表皮式」之建築形式,進而在「計畫學」上進行所謂的機能區分、軸線配置及重視空間的組合方式等科學性之原則;總合呈現出的是簡化的現代建築形式意欲表達的新空間美學。同時可見,此際臺灣現代建築已開始反思形式主義之僵化,進而喚回的是機能主義為現代建築所開創一條新路。因此,可視為台灣戰後建築現代化過程中重要的作品,其價值可作為台灣建築發展中的個案參考。另外,從校園歷史建築保存的觀點來看,它不但述說了學校的發展史,亦形塑出學校本身的特色,更提供了與地方連結的媒介,因此具有保存的意義。


This study used the architecture building at Chung Yuan Christian University as the study target. This building was designed by Pao-Yu Huang, who was a first-generation architect and who served as the first Head of the Department of Architecture at Chung Yuan Christian University. We analysed Pao-Yu Huang’s philosophy regarding architectural education and his architectural works in Taiwan. We explored how his architectural design ideas changed over time by comparing them to the trends of modern architectural concepts. In addition, the Process of architectural Planning and spatial design implications of the architecture building at Chung Yuan Christian University were investigated to understand the influence of modern architectural conceptual trends and design techniques. We also assessed the value of this building’s architectural design in the context of Taiwan’s architectural development after World War II. This study was a case study. We conducted a literature review to collect and summarise historical information related to the building. Data sources were publications or news articles concerning the Chung Yuan Institute of Technology and the Department of Architecture (previously Department of Architectural Engineering). This study used the gathered data to reconstruct and understand the transformation and development of the Chung Yuan Christian University campus and the establishment of the architecture department between 1960 and 1970, thereby examining the alterations in the architectural educational space. In addition, we summarised relevant reports and reviews and Pao-Yu Huang’ literary works and discourses and compared them to contemporaneous architectural works in Taiwan to evaluate the characteristics of Pao-Yu Huang’s architectural works. Oral history interviews were conducted with contemporaneous teachers and students who were associated with the architecture department to compensate for missing recorded data. Finally, all collected data were organized and summarised, and suggestions for future research and conclusion are offered. The findings of this study are as follows. First, Pao-Yu Huang believed that architectural educational spaces should extend to spatial creation based on the exchange platform concept, presenting spatial creation as permeable. Second, the spatial design of the architecture building at Chung Yuan Christian University, built in 1972, possesses a geometric functional space and strong sculptural appearance. The design was a departure from the classical symmetric techniques of the 1960s, the Chinese modern architectural methods of that period that are represented by existing palatial structures (e.g., the National Palace Museum that was built in 1965), and the architectural designs of the 1970s that incorporated open or transparent surfaces. Furthermore, the building design planning differentiated various spatial functions, configured axes, and emphasized spatial arrangements to exhibit the novel spatial aesthetics implied by simplified modern architectural forms. At that time, modern Taiwanese architectural styles demonstrated national self-reflection regarding rigid formalism and evoked functionalism as a new direction in modern architecture. Therefore, the building is a significant work that represents the modernization of architecture in Taiwan after World War II, and its design serves as a reference for future architectural development in Taiwan. In addition, from the perspective of campus historical building preservation, the building warrants preservation because it signifies the historical development and characteristics of the university, as well as providing a platform for connecting with local communities.


蕭百興(2000)。〈「現代都會」的「機能中國」反歸:戰後初期中原學院的建築設計論述形構(1950末 1970初)〉。《城市與設計學報》。第11/12期,159-205。
Jean Louis Cohen著(2006)。《Louis I. kahn》。Taschen。


