  • 學位論文


Cloud on Power Systems Control

指導教授 : 吳燦明


摘要 全球的能源成本不斷上升,IT 架構日益複雜,加上全世界政府紛紛趨向推出懲罰性稅項以限制碳排放,因此數據中心正面對日漸浮現的能源危機。 為了有效監測能源使用量及達到節能減碳的目的因此在現有的PDU上做一些改良,透過改善能源效益,數據中心的營運商不但可以大幅降低整體的成本支出;同樣地透過有效分配能源使用計劃,亦可令數據中心變得更環保、更具能源效益。 本論文的主要目的在於設計一應用於雲端電源之輸出控制系統。此架構主要是延伸基礎架構之PDU(Power Distribution Unit) ,由於早期對於電源控制並不是那麼要求僅止於有電源輸出即可。 本論文在於基礎之PDU 加以改良並實現使之成為能夠透過網路與顯示功能進而達到使IT人員或是使用人員能及時掌控PDU的好壞並加以控制的雲端電源控制裝置且能獨立關閉或輸出電源。 早期PDU設計方式都是以0U Basic 方式呈現,發展到有0U Smart 的PDU,機架型1U 伴隨者網路資訊的發達與遠端監控的興起”雲端”電源的開發已越來越被重視。 傳統上,機房的用電量監測可以透過電源分配器來進行。這類型的產品早期應用於企業機房內,主要在於電力分配,除了具有延長線的功能之外,同時也兼具保護裝置,用以防止電源超載的情況發生。本論文除了基於0U Basic PDU架構外更有別於市場上的0U Smart PDU,設計出可以遠端監控各自獨立耗電量的電源分配器與獨立的電源輸出開關,管理人員只要將IT設備的電源線接在源分配器上,就能夠透過網路連線從任何地點連接至PDU的設備電源,監控IT設備的耗電量。


電源分配器 機架


Abstract The purpose of this thesis lies in the design of a power supply for the cloud of the output control system. This architecture is an extension of the infrastructure of the PDU (Power Distribution Unit) due to the fact that the earlier demand for the power control only concerns its output. The new design can make it possible for IT engineers being capable of controlling the quality of the PDU through the remote cloud of the internet to turn on or off the power supply independently. As illustrated in Fig.2, 3, and 4, the PDU 0U Basic, the 0U Smart PDU, and the Rack-mount 1U, respectively, the development of the power supply design from fundamental requirement has been promoted in remote monitoring network information "cloud" recently. Traditionally, power consumption can be monitored through a power divider room, whose related products mainly use in power distribution, extension cord function,and power overload prevention In this thesis, according to the architecture 0U Basic PDU 0U Smart PDU, a novel design is developed for remotely monitoring power consumption of each independent distributor and independent power output switch. As long as the power cord management of the IT equipment is connected to the power distributor, which can connect to any location through the cloud internet .


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