  • 學位論文


Toward to Optimal Self-Esteem: The Effect of Psychological Well-being with Consistency Between Positive Implicit Self-Esteem and Explicit Self-Esteem

指導教授 : 李怡真


過去研究者對高自尊者所作的描述,是指擁有正向、良好的自我感覺且能展現真實的自我,這樣的個體具有穩固、安全感及廣泛的心理幸福感,但也有研究顯示,高自尊與自私、自戀和自我防衛有關,這樣的個體通常也會伴隨著較低的內隱自尊,這顯示內隱與外顯兩種自尊型態對個體的適應均有重要的影響性。根據最佳化自尊(optimal self-esteem)理論,當人們擁有內隱與外顯皆正向的自我評價時可以伴隨著最佳的適應;然而,過去卻未曾有研究以心理幸福感作為適應指標檢驗此一可能性。本研究的焦點即在藉由檢視內隱、外顯自尊與心理幸福感之間的關係,探索內外自尊正向一致的個體與最佳化的自尊之間的關聯性。在研究工具上,本研究採用自尊量表以及內隱關聯測驗測量參與者的外顯與內隱自尊,在心理幸福感的測量上,採用心理幸福感量表以及短版心理健康量表作為測量工具。研究結果發現,參與者的外顯自尊與兩種心理幸福感指標之間具有正相關,內隱自尊為無相關,此外兩種自尊在部分心理幸福感指標的面向上具則有顯著的交互作用,主要展現在心理幸福感量表的「人生的目標」面向以及短版心理健康量表的「心理性」面向上,意即當個體具有較高的內隱與外顯自尊組合時,確實能夠在人生目標的面向上伴隨著較佳的心理幸福感,此結果支持最佳自尊理論之中,個體內外自尊一致性對於其適應的重要性,亦提供未來相關研究之參考實證依據。


Regarding to the theory of optimal self-esteem ( Kernis, 2003), secure high self-esteem reflects the relative absence of hidden or nonconscious negativity, contingencies, or instability. People who has high explicit self-esteem that is accompanied by positive implicit self-esteem is secure. We examined the extent to which explicit self-esteem (ESE) and implicit self-esteem (ISE) predicted scores on Ryff’s(1989) multidimensional measure of psychological well-being(PWB) and Keyes’s(2009) Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MFC-SF). Main effects for ESE level emerged on all dimensions of the two scales, indicating that high ESE was associated with greater psychological well-being than low self-esteem. Besides, there is no main effects for ISE emerged on all of dimensions of the two scales. Finally, ISE and ESE interactions revealed for purpose in life subscales of PWB and psychological subscales of MFC-SF indicating more complex relationships between ESE, ISE and these aspects of well-being. Theoretical implications of the consistency between explicit/implication self-esteem and positive psychological functioning are discussed.


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