  • 學位論文

脈衝式冷卻之模具溫度週期歷程探討 及模擬驗證

Simulation and Verification on Simulation and Verification on the cyclic Mold Temperature Variation using Pulsed-Cooling

指導教授 : 陳夏宗


中文摘要 隨著微3C產品的迅速發展及微機電技術的興起,射出成型技術已進入到微尺寸的工業零件以及具微結構光學產品的成型,高模具溫度使用在許多精密產品已是必然趨勢,動態模溫系統有著高溫充填及低溫冷卻的效果,且能達到縮短週期的目標;因此若能瞭解動態模溫的溫度變化趨勢,便能有利於往後的溫控及生產。 本論文首先利用埋設在模具內的溫度Sensor,擷取傳統及脈衝式冷卻的溫度變化歷程,並對兩者的單週期溫升以及穩定後的最高模溫進行比較,並個別分析其的溫度歷程變化的趨勢,接著以分析軟體ANSYS®及Moldex 3D®分別進行分析及模擬,將分析模擬的趨勢結果與實驗相比較,驗證其分析的可行性。 實驗結果顯示,脈衝式冷卻的效果取決於模具的冷卻水路設計及冷卻效率。在單週期溫升方面,傳統式冷在單週期溫升約在2℃到2.47℃之間,而脈衝式冷卻單週期溫升分佈在2.14℃至2.57℃之間,脈衝式冷卻平均較傳統式冷卻高0.03℃至0.1℃之間,証實脈衝式冷卻有較高充填溫度的優勢。而穩定後最高模溫方面,脈衝式冷卻因模具積熱的原因,其穩定後的最高模溫高於傳統式冷卻。最後使用ANSYS®及Moldex 3D®進行脈衝式冷卻分析模擬;在ANSYS®的與實驗比較方面,因Sensor與模具間氣隙的問題導致分析的數據較實驗大,但其整體趨勢與實驗相符;在ANSYS®及Moldex 3D®的溫度分析比較方面,發現兩者在分析及模擬上的數據非常相似,證實軟體對脈衝式冷卻分析的可行性。


ABSTRACT Now, the 3C products is more and more popular, amd MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) technology is rise and develope, injection molding knowledge has been used on micro size part and optic products which has micro feature. High temperature used on many detailed products , it’s the better way to get high quality. Mold temperature variation has some properties that are high mold temperature in filling phase and low mold temperature in cooling phase, and mold temperature variation can reduce cycle time. When we understand the property of mold temperature variation, it will help us to know how to control the mold temperature and product process. In this study, I set the temperature sensor in the mold, and record the temperature variation of Pulse-cooling to research the rise temperature of single cycle and the highest temperature of filling. Then simulated and analyzed by ANSYS® and Moldex 3D® software. From the experiment data, the effect of Pulse-cooling is decided by cooling efficiency of mold. In conventions cooling, the rise temperature of single cycle about from 2℃ to 2.47℃, and Pulse-cooling from 2.14℃ to 2.57℃. It’s show that the rise temperature of single cycle of Pulse-cooling is higher than conventions cooling, and the highest temperature of filling of Pulse-cooling is higher than conventions cooling sas well. Then we use ANSYS® and Moldex 3D® software to simulate and verify with experiment data. In ANSYS® simulate result, the simulate data is higher then experiment data, because there are gaps between the mold and temperature sensor. In ANSYS® and Moldex 3D® simulate of mold surface temperature, the result of simulation is very similarity with experiment data, and prove the simulation and verification of software is feasible.


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