  • 學位論文


Study of the Impact of SAS No.43 on Earnings Management

指導教授 : 張慧珊


財團法人中華民國會計研究發展基金會之審計準則委員會,於2006年9月1日正式發布審計準則第43號公報「查核財務報表對舞弊之考量」,該公報之施行可能會使會計師更為謹慎的查核財務報表,因而基於查核風險之考量,其查核態度將更謹慎保守。相對的,如果會計師簽證的財務報表並非無保留意見,可能會增加公司的融資成本及代理成本,則管理階層於進行盈餘管理時,可能會考量會計師更趨謹慎仔細的查核態度,而可能較不敢輕易進行盈餘管理。因此本研究將探討公司管理階層是否會因為新準則的制定,而對於盈餘管理的動機有抑制效果。此外,之前學者研究指出,公司治理較差的公司,較會利用盈餘管理來美化報表,因此,本研究亦將進一步探討公司治理較差的公司是否會因為新公報的發布,而對於其盈餘管理的動機有抑制效果。 本研究以實證研究之方法,研究期間為2004年至2007年間所有上市(櫃)公司財務資料。採用裁決性應計數及遞延所得稅費用當作盈餘管理的替代變數,因企業從事盈餘管理的誘因與動機不同,則其操縱盈餘的方向(增加或減少)也將有所不同,因此,本研究進一步將其分為絕對值、正數與負數,進行迴歸分析。實證結果顯示如下: 在裁決性應計數方面:審計準則第43號公報之發佈,對公司的裁決性應計數取絕對值有抑制效果,故可知管理階層會因新公報之制定,而對盈餘操縱有抑制效果。區分裁決性應計數取正數及負數之個別分析中顯示,正的裁決性應計數之係數與預期方向相符,可知有美化報表之意涵,而負的裁決性應計數之係數與預期符號相符,可知公司可能有洗大澡的情況。而公司治理較差之公司,在審計準則第43號公報發佈時,發現經理人持股比率對正的裁決性應計數有抑制效果,但在裁決性應計數取絕對值及負的裁決性應計數中則無此現象;法人持股比率對負的裁決性應計數有抑制效果,但在裁決性應計數取絕對值及正的裁決性應計數則無此現象;股份盈餘偏離差對正的裁決性應計數有抑制效果,但在裁決性應計數取絕對值及負的裁決性應計數中則無此現象;而經理人董事席次及董事長兼總經理對裁決性應計數則無顯著差異。其結果亦部分支持本研究之假說,公司治理較差的公司因新公報之發布,而對於其盈餘管理的動機有抑制效果。 在遞延所得稅方面:審計準則第43號公報之發佈,對遞延所得稅費用及正、負數之遞延所得稅費用皆無明顯之抑制效果。而公司治理較差之公司,在審計準則第43號公報發佈時,經理人董事席次與經理人持股比率在負的遞延所得稅費用樣本中有抑制效果,但在遞延所得稅費用全樣本中及正的遞延所得稅費用皆無此現象;股份盈餘偏離差在遞延所得稅費用的全樣本中有抑制效果,但在正、負數之遞延所得稅費用皆無明顯之抑制效果;而法人持股比率及董事長兼總經理對遞延所得稅費用及正、負數之遞延所得稅費用皆無顯著的差異。


The Auditing Standards Board of Accounting Research and Development Foundation for the Republic of China, releases Statements of Auditing Standards No.43 “The Auditor’s Responsibility to Consider Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements” on September 1, 2006. The implementation of SAS No.43 may cause the auditor to be more prudent in financial statements audits under the consideration of audit risks. If the audit opinion of the financial statements is not unqualified, it may increase the company's financing costs and agency costs. Thus, taking into account the auditors’ change of attitude, management may be more hesitate while engaged in earnings management. Therefore, this study will examine the existence of suppression effects on earnings management due to the enactment of the new guidelines. Earlier, the scholars pointed out that poor corporate governance of companies will use earnings management to embellish the financial statements. Hence, this study will further explore the suppression effects on the earnings managements of companies with poor corporate governance after the release of the new standards. We conduct our empirical research to examine all listed and OTC firms in the period from 2004 to 2007. Our study uses discretionary accruals and deferred income tax expenses as proxy variables to measure earnings management. The empirical results are summarized as follows: In the discretionary accruals aspect: after the release of SAS No.43, there exists suppression effects on the absolute discretionary accruals. Thus, the release of the new standards causes a constraining effect on earnings manipulation. The results also support the hypothesis that the implementation of the new standard results in a suppression effect on the earnings management of companies with poor corporate governance. In the deferred income tax expenses aspect: after the release of SAS No.43, there’s no significant suppression effect on the deferred income tax expenses. There’s only partial suppression effect on the earnings management of companies with poor corporate governance.




