  • 學位論文


Ordering Decisions of Newsvendors with Forecasting Methods

指導教授 : 楊奕農




According to Newsvendor theory, retailers can make a constant ordering quantity by sale price, purchase cost and product surplus value under the normal distribution demand. However, the demand usually is not normal distribution in the actual world, it often has the autocorrelation and season trend. Newsvendor theory provides a good foundation to get maximum profit. If we use the forecasting method to forecast the demand, and farther, use those demand to make a non-constant ordering quantity, it should be more useful than traditional newsvendor theory to increase the profit. It is the purpose of this paper. In this paper, we use the five ways to set the demand forecasting, the moving average method, the simple exponential smoothing method, Holt,s linear exponential smoothing method, Winters, three-parameter linear and seasonal exponential smoothing method, and ordinary least squares principle that applies on two different newspapers to decide the order quantity base on the newsvendor theory, then compare the effect of the profit. The result indicate the ordering decision with the forecasting base on the newsvendor theory can improve the decision maker’s profit than tradition newsvendor theory and compare the five forecasting methods of this paper, taking the method of ordinary least squares principle with the seasonal dummy variable have the best effect.


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