  • 學位論文


Revisiting Leontief Paradox from the Perspective of Value Added Trade

指導教授 : 林師模 林晉勗


本研究以近年發展之附加價值貿易觀點,在全球產業關聯的架構下,從雙邊貿易的角度重新檢視國際貿易理論中著名之李昂鐵夫矛盾 (Leontief Paradox) 現象,以驗證特定經濟體是否有違反傳統比較利益原則的情況。近世紀來,國際貿易型態已有了巨大變革,貿易障礙降低及跨國運輸的蓬勃發展降低了交易成本,也提升了跨國貿易的效率,進而衍生出跨國分工的新生產型態,導致中間財貿易的盛行。此一貿易型態與傳統貿易型態有顯著的不同,不再以最終財為主,使得傳統的貿易統計無法真實反映一國進出口所創造出的附加價值,也使得依據傳統貿易統計於各種貿易理論探討之實證結果可能產生偏誤。 在Heckscher-Ohlin模型的基礎上,本研究以歐盟所編製的世界投入產出資料庫(World Input Output Database) 中之世界投入產出表 (World Input Output Tables) 與社會經濟統計數據 (Socio-Economic Accounts),透過進出口品內含附加價值的計算,探討1995至2009年世界各國貿易財之資本勞動比,驗證各經濟體之整體及個別產業是否存在李昂鐵夫矛盾的現象。實證結果顯示,對美國及台灣而言,若以傳統貿易統計的觀點來看,其與主要貿易對手國之間仍有可能出現李昂鐵夫矛盾的現象,尤其是在服務業的部分,但若改以附加價值貿易統計的觀點進行分析,則僅剩少數國家在服務業部份出現李昂鐵夫矛盾的現象。


This study revisits the famous thesis in international trade theory – Leontief Paradox, from the recently developed value-added trade perspective and under a global industrial linkage framework. We base our analysis mainly on bi-lateral trade to examine whether specific economies have violated the law of comparative advantage. The huge change in international trade relationships in recent years have resulted in new patterns of production fragmentation among economies and fostered trade in intermediate goods and services. This development, in turn, has made conventional gross-trade statistics unreliable in reflecting the true value added associated with trade, and hence biased conclusions could be reached when applying such statistics to test trade theories. Based on the Heckscher-Ohlin model, this study first uses the world input-output tables (WIOTs) together with some socio-economic accounts, all contained in the World Input-Output Database (WIOD), to calculate the value added embodied in trade for specific economies. The results are then used to calculate the capital-to-labor ratios for all traded goods for these economies over the 1995 to 2009 periods, to discover the potential existence of Leontief-Paradox phenomenon. Our results reveal that for Taiwan and the U.S. specifically, Leontief Paradox is found in many cases, especially in service industries. However, the paradox would exist only in few bi-lateral cases in services when value-added trade concept is applied to conduct the analyses.


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