  • 學位論文


Employee Organization Identification and Hotel Star Rating Related Research

指導教授 : 吳武忠




This research is directed at the Star Hotel Rating Guidelines established by the MOTC Tourism Bureau in February 16, 2009. The research counterparts were the employees of hotels selected based on these guidelines that participated in star ranking announced by the Tourism Bureau to study the correlation between the organization identification of hotel employees and hotel star ratings. With regard to research methods, qualitative research interview methods were used to collect data because the employees that directly participated in the hotel star ranking have more cognition and feeling. Of these, the role of the supervisor is most appropriate. As a result, eight hotel supervisors who participated in the hotel star rating certification were interviewed as part of this research to study the salary & welfare, training and development, organizational climate and personal relations aspects of organization identification. This research found that tourist hotels of scale are able to provide welfare, training and a company vision. Organization members identify more strongly and are more motivated towards the hotel's participation in the star rating. Hotels should establish a self-management system to maintain star hotel service quality. It is recommended the government: 1. Divide the current rating items into joint rating items together with hotel attribute rating items. Also list employee welfare as a rating item so the hotel industry places more emphasis of employee welfare; 2. Assign personnel with professional knowledge (non-rating personnel) to do on-site evaluations as mystery guests of rated hotels. Each rated hotel should be evaluated at least twice per year and the evaluation results should be incorporated into the administrative supervision report. Appropriate disciplinary action should be taken for those who do not meet star hotel standards in order to demonstate to the hotel industry that certain level of service quality must be maintained at star hotels.


