  • 期刊


The Effect of Tourist Hotels' Employees' Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Internal Service Quality


「組織公民行為(organizational citizenship behavior, OCB)」是一種描述員工主動超越公司的規定以及工作的要求(Bateman & Organ,1983; Smith, Organ, & Near, 1983),對服務業的品質與績效具有相當重要的影響力(Large & König, 2009; Ma & Qu, 2011),但在旅館管理領域上的研究卻相當缺乏(Ma & Qu, 2011)。本研究以台北市國際觀光旅館的服務人員為研究對象,探討組織文化、組織公民行為以及內部服務品質之間的關係。透過371份有效問卷,發現組織文化與組織公民行為、內部服務品質具有顯著的正向關係,且組織公民行為各構面對於內部服務品質均具有顯著的影響力。因此,本研究認為當組織具有明確具體的規範以及強調維持良好顧客關係的氣氛時,會讓員工產生相互尊重以及協助的認知與行為,進而提高其對該旅館內部服務之評價水準,本研究的發現對面臨激烈競爭環境的旅館業者,提供經營管理以及人力資源規劃實務的建議。


"Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)" is a description of the company's employees take the initiative to go beyond the requirements and work requirements (Bateman & Organ, 1983; Smith, Organ, & Near, 1983), has sufficient influences on the quality of service and performance (Large & König, 2009; Ma & Qu, 2011), but the hotel management but rather a lack of research on (Ma & Qu, 2011). Therefore, this study explored the relationship among organizational culture, organizational citizenship behavior, and internal service quality. Through 371 survey, the study found that the positive relationship among organizational culture, organizational citizenship behavior and internal service quality, and all dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior have significant impacts on internal service quality. This research looks forward to provide practical suggests for rapid development of the hotels. A recommendation of the hospitality management and human resource policy planning will be presented.


