  • 學位論文


A Study on Destination Image of Kaohsiung City from Blog

指導教授 : 陳慧如
共同指導教授 : 容繼業




This study aims to explore tourists’ destination image of Kaohsiung City by blog articles, and understand the relationship among tourists, destination image, and destination attributes. In addition, this study figures out the image perception gaps by the comparisons between tourists’ destination image and KCG’s promotion strategies. Thus, this study collects 168 domestic blog articles, 64 foreign articles, and 70 KCG travel information, which are published from 2005 to 2006, for content analysis. Research conclusions are shown that the most popular destinations in Kaohsiung City are Love River, Cijin Island, and Sizihwan Bay. Moreover, the most mentioned destination attribute is the Gastronomy from blog articles. By the analysis of Heider’s Balance Theory, the destination attributes, such as general infrastructure, natural environment, social environment, and atmosphere of the place, are needed to be improved. Finally, tourist leisure and recreation is the most critical factor of image perception gap. Thus, this research suggests that KCG has to not only enhance more destination promotions but also emphasize local destination characteristics and cultures to tourists. In addition, local residents need to be more friendly and hospitable. By corporation with famous restaurants, Kaohsiung City is able to be built as a city of gastronomy. KCG also has to solve serious problems such as air pollutions and bad traffic system. Finally, it is suggested that KCG keeps promoting positive existing images while building new images to reduce the image perception gaps.


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