  • 學位論文


The Relationships between Familiarity and Travel Intention for Travel Destination

指導教授 : 林若慧


本研究主要探討遊客對墾丁地區的旅遊目的地熟悉感與旅遊意願之關係。過去研究中僅多探討遊客人口統計變數或旅遊特性等,尚不足以說明遊客特性與目的地熟悉感或旅遊意願之間的關係。本研究從遊客特性、遊客的熟悉感來探討上述變數與旅遊意願之關係。 本研究以結構化問卷為調查工具,問卷設計(包含:主觀熟悉感與客觀熟悉感)、旅遊意願以及受訪者的旅遊特性、基本資料等。本研究採取「配額抽樣」方式,並以國內旅遊目的地到訪率最高的墾丁地區之遊客為研究對象,共調查383份有效問卷。運用t檢定與單因子變異數分析來檢定變數間的差異,並以相關分析來驗證熟悉感與旅遊意願間的關係。分析結果顯示:旅遊特性與人口統計變項對熟悉感及旅遊意願之關係僅部份獲得支持;熟悉感對旅遊意願之間則為正向關係。本研究確認熟悉感確實為遊客旅遊決策的變數之ㄧ,研究發現可提供旅遊目的地業者從遊客所體認的旅遊目的地熟悉感角度中研擬出有意義的行銷建議。


The aim of this research is to discover the relationships between familiarity and travel intention in Kenting destination. From the past studies, the visitors’ characteristics had only limited on the demographics or traveling characteristics that is not enough to delineate the relationships between familiarity and travel intention. Therefore, this research expanded the range of visitor’s characteristic, familiarity, and tried to understand the relationships between these kinds of visitors’ demographics, familiarity and travel intention. A structured questionnaire was used as the tool for the survey. Four parts were included in the questionnaire: familiarity both (subjective and objective familiarity), travel intention, tourist characteristics, and socio-demographics of the respondents. By using quota sampling toward Kenting visitors, 383 valid questionnaires are obtained. Various statistical methods are conducted, including descriptive analysis, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation. The findings were as follows: the tourist characteristics and demographics which are partially supported to related with travel intention and familiarities. Furthermore, significant positive correlations between destination familiarity and travel intention were reported. Familiarity with a destination has appeared to be a significant determinant of decision making. Finally, this research may provide tourism industry form tourists’ prective destination familiarity and suggestions for destination marketing.


destination familiarity travel intention


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