  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Comparative Study of Mystery Shopper Survey System in Taiwan and other Countries: An Example of Food and Beverage

指導教授 : 鄭駿豪


在全球化的改變下,近年來國內服務業受到來自國外服務業者的競爭, 與消費者意識抬頭,對服務品質日趨重視,企業為了追求永續經營,必須 不斷的追求產品與服務上的創新與改變。消費者本身對於服務品質的要求 都不高,也因為消費者普遍對服務水準並沒有自覺,而業者也就沒有辦法 提供好的服務品質,所以即使服務業者知道服務品質的重要性,若如果沒 有選擇合適的評量模式作為參考依據,將難以正確衡量業者本身所提供服 務的真實水準與問題癥結。 神秘客化身一般顧客,檢核服務者的專業能力。本研究利用神秘客調 查法,瞭解國內外現行餐飲業評鑑方式,透過文獻分析來比較現行神秘客 制度上差異,試圖找出適合臺灣的餐飲評鑑方式,希望能對業者所進行的 服務品質管理,提供參考。 最後,本研究以國內外目前具代表性餐飲評鑑制度中採取神秘客調查 法之評鑑制度進行比較研究,並整理歸納出神秘客應具備基本條件與專業 知識及訓練進行比較研究,進而提升神秘客素質,並透過國外比較研究結 論,建議神秘客應該要經過專業的認證才能執行評鑑,以供實務應用參考。


神秘客 評鑑制度 比較研究


Changing under the globalization, nowadays domestic services industry has been competition from foreign service industry, and the raising consumer consciousness which increasing emphasis on service quality. To pursue sustainable development, enterprises must continue to creat and changing their product and service. Consumers don’t require for service quality, and no-sense for service standard, then industry cannot offer the better service quality. Therefore, even industry knows the important of service quality, however, if there is no suitable measurement as a reference, it’s difficult to examine the service industry standard and real problem. Mystery shopper plays as a normal customer to examine servicer industry’s major ability. We use mystery shopper survey to understand the evaluation at domestic and foreign food and beverage industry. Through literature analyze, to compare the different between current mystery shopper system. To find a suitable evaluation for Taiwan food and beverage industry, and provide reference for industry service quality management. Finally, this study compares with the most representative evaluation from domestic and foreign food and beverage mystery shopper evaluation, and summarizing and comparative a mystery shopper should have basic condition and professional knowledge and training to enhance the quality of a mystery shopper. Moreover, through the comparative foreign study, recommendation mystery shopper has to go through professional certification to perform evaluation and provide for practical reference.


Mystery shopper evaluation comparative study


註1 ISO Guide 65。財團法人全國認證基金會。線上檢索日期2013年01月02日。網址: http://www.taftw.org.tw/dispPageBox/TAFTWHP.aspx?ddsPageID=TAFHP
。商業周刊 ,1189 。


