  • 學位論文


The Effects of the School Innovation upon Education Quality in Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 葉連祺


本研究旨在探討國小學校創新對教育品質影響之關係。經由文獻探討,整理出學校創新與教育品質的理論基礎與相關概念,進而設計出「國小學校創新及教育品質現況調查問卷」,依台灣地區縣市學校數比例,於2009年抽取264所公立國民小學教育人員,共1,056人進行問卷調查,有效樣本692份,回收率為65.53%。運用描述統計、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、迴歸分析與結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析,研究結論如下: 1.注重人員關係創新最能增進學校創新知覺。 2.教育人員感受到行政運作向度為教育品質最高知覺。 3.個人與學校背景特性會影響教育人員對學校創新的知覺。 4.個人與學校背景特性會影響教育人員對教育品質的知覺。 5.增進學校創新有助於提升教育品質。 6.學校創新和教育品質具有相互正向影響的關係。 依據上述結論,提出以下建議: 1.對主管教育行政機關之建議 (1)鼓勵學校教育人員進修,創新學校經營發展以提升教育品質。 (2)增加學校補助經費,推展學校創新,以增進教育品質。 (3)設立創新標竿學校,提供經驗交流,以精進教育品質之提升。 (4)宜透過政策引導,鼓勵學校創新。 2.對國小教育人員之建議 (1)推展學校創新,幫助學校增進教育品質。 (2)提升教師對學校創新與教育品質的實踐認同支持。 (3)促進教師與行政團隊的溝通交流與對話。 (4)定期實施學校服務顧客滿意度調查,以精進教育品質。 3.對後續研究者之建議 (1)採用其他研究方法,更深入了解學校創新及教育品質。 (2)擴展研究對象,增進研究推論。 (3)廣泛納入研究變項進行探討。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the school innovation upon education quality in elementary schools. According to literature review, theoretical bases and related concepts of education quality and school innovation were arranged and a questionnaire of education quality and school innovation in elementary schools were designed. According to proportion of elementary school number of Taiwan, 1,056 school educators were randomly sampled from 264 public elementary schools and there were 692 corrected samples and the rate of retrieve was 65.53%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling. Conclusions are as follows: 1.The dimension of staff relations innovation is the highest perception of school innovation. 2.The dimension of administrative operation is the highest perception of education quality. 3.Some background of individual and schools influent school educators’ perceptions of school innovation. 4.Some background of individual and schools influent school educators’ perceptions of education quality. 5.To improve school innovation was useful for improving education quality. 6.School innovation and education quality produced some mutual positive influence relationship. According to conclusions, some suggestions are as follows: 1. Suggestions to educational administrative authority: (1) Encourage in-service education systems for school staff and innovate development in school operation to promote education quality. (2) Increase school budget, and advance school innovation to improve education quality. (3) Establish innovation leading schools, and provide learning experiences to better education quality. (4) Encourage school innovation by way of policy steering. 2. Suggestions to educators in elementary school: (1) Advance school innovation to assist education quality improving. (2) Increase teachers support for school innovation and education quality. (3) Promote communication between teachers and administrative staff. (4) Use questionnarie for school service and customer satisfaction on a regular time to better education quality. 3. Suggestions to future researchers: (1)To look for and bring into more valueable variables to study them. (2)To apply various research methods and discover affections. (3)To expand and bring into other research subjects.


丁一顧、張德銳 (2005)。中小學家長參與及其與教育品質的關係。教育研究季刊,135,81-91。


