  • 學位論文


Identity of the New Generation of Chinese Indonesians -- Perspectives from Chinese Indonesian Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李美賢


華人移居印尼國家的歷史悠久,在明代中期以前,華印之間相處和諧,並獲得當地族群的肯定與信任。而自殖民時期,受到殖民者的利用與挑撥,造成華印之間相處開始產生分歧。然而,二次世界大戰後,東南亞各民族國家紛紛獨立,獨立後的印尼,受到民族主義的影響,認為華人心向中國,不認同印尼,因而於1966年對華人施行同化政策。而華人人數比例僅佔印尼人口數3%,屬於弱勢族群,但卻掌握經濟優勢,使得印尼排華事件及華印衝突不斷,尤以1998年排華暴動最受世人囑目,亦讓印尼籍的華人公民再次產生認同上的疑問與矛盾,1998年蘇哈托總統下臺後迄今,印尼推動多元族群融合政策,期能撫平過去華印族群撕裂的傷口,但以上的經歷,均已影響了印尼華人的認同傾向。而近年來中國的興起,是否也會影響其對原鄉的認同呢! 本研究主要想了解新世代華裔印尼人的認同傾向,由研究者訪談11位在臺留學的新世代華裔印尼人,他們皆於1982年至1990年在印尼當地出生,在其成長過程,曾經歷同化政策、1998年排華暴動及國際化教育,其生命經驗與認同傾向是否會與上輩不同。本文依其生命歷程,分別從華印相處經驗、當地就讀學校選擇、1998年排華事件的看法、出國留學的考量、中國興起的影響、學習中文的動機等六項進行認同分析。


It has been long time since Chinese moved to Indonesia. Before the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Chinese being recognized and trusted lived in harmony with Indonesians. Since colonial period, the colonizers alienated Chinese from Indonesians. However, after the World War II, Southeast Asian nations gained their independence. Suspecting Chinese disloyal and yearning for China, the Independent of Indonesia implemented assimilation policy onto Chinese since 1966 by the influence of nationalism. The population of Chinese in Indonesia was only 3%, although ethnic minorities, grasped the economic advantages. It made the conflicts between Chinese and Indonesians, especially 1988 Chinese Riots. This conflict made Chinese in Indonesia question their identity. Since President Suharto stepped down in 1988, Indonesia government launched the diverse ethnic integration policy, expecting to heal the gaping wound. Above of all make the influence of the identity of Chinese Indonesians. And the rising of China, does it influence Chinese to identify their homeland? This study mainly investigated the identity of the new generation of Chinese Indonesians. The researcher interviewed with 11 new generation of Chinese Indonesians studying in Taiwan. They were born in Indonesia from 1982 to 1990, living through with assimilation policy, 1988 Chinese Riots and international education. Does the life experience and identity tendency of new generation differ from their old one? This study make an analysis by life experience, the interaction of Chinese and Indonesians, school choosing, opinions of 1988 Chinese Riots, the consideration of study aboard, the rising of China, and the motivation of learning Chinese.


中華民國僑務委員會僑生輔導室 (2010),《僑生輔導手冊》。台北:中華民國僑務委員會。
