  • 學位論文


A Study On The Small And Medium Size Enterprise Financing-An Example of Garlic Industry

指導教授 : 陳雪如
共同指導教授 : 林霖(Lin Lin)


中小企業是台灣經濟發展重要的支柱,但是受到先天條件的限制,中小企業經常面臨資金不足與籌資困難的狀況。 本研究以蒜商為研究對象,採個案研究方式,先蒐集相關文獻資料,然後進行多次的實地訪談,了解蒜頭產業生態及公司營運狀況,發現個案公司營運需要更多資金,但已呈現負債飽和,無法再透過金融機構融資。 研究首先根據蒜商所提供的財務資料,以財務五力分析診斷個案公司的財務風險與弱項,然後給予財務規劃建議,最後比較個案公司建議前與建議後的各項財務比率差異。 比較後發現按照財務規劃之建議實行後,個案公司在財務五力中的收益力、生產力、活動力及安定力均有明顯的進步與改善,並且順利從金融機構取得所需資金。


The Small And Medium Size Enterprises(SMEs) are the backbone of the economic development in Taiwan,but by innate constraints, SMEs often face a situation of lack of funds and financing difficulties. Garlic traders are the subject of study in this case and it adopts case study approach in which the first step is to collect reference and then have interviews with garlic traders for better understanding of the garlic industrial ecology and corporate operating conditions .It is found that the operation of the case company needs more capital, but has shown signs of saturation of liabilities and can not finance via financial institutions. The study begins with the diagnosis and analysis based on the financial statements offered by the garlic trader of the financial risks and weaknesses with Financial Five Forces Analysis and then the financial planning is advised according to the problems mentioned above. The last step is make a comparison between some financial ratios to assess the performances of the case company after the advice is given. After the comparison between the financial indexes is done, it shows that the case company in earning power, productivity, activity and stability of force has made significant progress and improvements and successfully obtains the necessary funds from financial institutions.


王英賢(2011) ,「信保基金下銀行對中小企業融資之研究—以華南銀行為例」,靜宜大學管理碩士在職專班碩士論文。
