  • 學位論文


A Research of Community Capacity and Community Development.

指導教授 : 黃源協


本研究之目的為瞭解社區能力(包含社區靜態能力與社區動態能力)及其各個面向與社區發展間之關聯情形,並透過社區基本資料之蒐集,期望了解不同特性之社區其社區發展情形之異同。本研究使用社區能力量表,以PPS抽樣針對台灣本島之6,220個社區發展協會抽取600個社區發展協會進行施測,共計回收有效問卷301份。透過統計分析,先行針對個人特性、社區特性對社區能力及社區發展之關係進行T檢定及變異數分析,再以相關分析、迴歸分析,進一步了解社區能力與社區發展彼此之關聯與影響,研究發現除社區能力對社區發展具正向之解釋力外,社區發展亦對社區能力具有正向之解釋力,社區能力與社區發展兩者間為互相影響之重要因素,且互具正向之解釋力。 最後,依據研究結果進行討論分析後,本研究針對社區能力與社區發展提出相關建議如下。 (一)政策面:1.培植社區能量,提升方案執行內涵,促進社區能力與發展;2.善用社區靜態能力,啟動老舊社區;3.非營利組織在地化與強化在地組織與社區之連結;4.培植社區在地人才,儲備穩定的領導力。 (二)實務面:1.以完整策略性協助取代酬庸式經費補助;2.培植社區辦理附設單位之能力,累積社區能力,促進社區發展;3.強化社區參與,提升社區集體行動,以增強社區能力;4.規畫以社區優勢為切入點之社區發展政策,以社區之優勢啟動社區能力,進而提升社區發展。 (三)學術面:1.發展社區居民與領導者兩方對話之實證研究;2.發掘社區發展之影響因素,探究社區發展之啟動因子。


The research purpose is to understand the relationships between community capacity (includes static community capacity and dynamic community capacity), community development and other dimensions. Furthermore, the research also expected to understand the similarities and dissimilarities in community development situation of different community with distinct characteristics by analyzing the basic community information. The community capacity scale was conducted in this study. The Probability Proportional to Size Sampling (PPS) was used to issue 600 Community Development Associations sampled from 6,220 Community Development Associations in Taiwan and recovered a total of 301 valid questionnaires. Through statistical analysis, first, this research was aim to investigate the relationships between personal characteristics, community capacity and community development by T-test and ANOVA. Second, this research adopted correlation analysis and regression analysis to further understand the relationships and influences between community capacity and community development. The study found that community capacity had positive interpretation on community development and vise versa. Therefore, both community capacity and community development had interactive influence on each other and had positive interpretation. Finally, according to the discussion and analysis of research result, this study proposed some suggestions to community capacity and community development as follows: I. Strategy: (1) Cultivating community energy to elevate the cultivation of program implementation and accelerate community capacity and development (2) Using static community capacity well, and start old district (3) Non-Profit Organization (NPO) localized and strengthen the connection between local organization and community (4) Cultivating the local talent to reserve steady leadership. II. Practice: (1) Establishing complete strategic assistance to substitute rewarding-oriented allowance (2) Cultivating the ability of community administrative affiliated institutions to elevate community capacity (3) Strengthening community participation and improving community collective action to reinforce community capacity (4) Scheming out community development strategy in the view of community advantage and starting community capacity in community advantage to enhance the community development III. Academic: (1) Developing empirical study of the communication between community residents and community leaders (2) Exploring the influence factors of community development and investigating the initiation factors of community development


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