  • 學位論文


International Community Arts Festival Management and Collaborative Governance:The Case of Hsin-Kang Foundation of Culture and Education

指導教授 : 林吉郎


新港文教基金會,自1987年成立迄今,藉由關懷家鄉青少年的議題為起點,有效整合新港地區各型組織與資源,形成沛然莫之能禦的社會力,協力解決地方其他延伸性議題,終使新港「老鎮新生」,成為台灣地區實踐「公民社會」理想的典範。「國際社區藝術節」乃新港文教基金會推動的眾多活動中,極具特色的活動之一。本研究嘗試整合「節慶管理」與「協力治理」兩個概念與途徑,並藉由參與觀察與深度訪談研究法,探討新港文教基金會的內部治理與節慶管理的經驗意涵;瞭解此一鄉村型非營利組織在參與協力夥伴關係過程中的互動關係,如:合作、互補、依賴、督導、衝突等的實際關係;進而理解鄉村型非營利組織可持續發展的原因與啟發意義。本研究之重要發現如下: 一、地方組織領導者的共識:鄉公所、鄉農會、奉天宮以及基金會這四個原屬競爭性的地方組織,在新港鄉的互動卻異常的和諧。究其因,四個地方組織的領導者皆曾參與新港文教基金會業務,都願意提供基金會在人力或物力上的資源,讓基金會成為新港鄉各組織、社團的溝通與對話平台,有效整合在地資源。 二、義工組織體系完整:基金會業務的推動,除了秘書處的9位專職人員外,所有大小活動最主要都依賴近300位大小義工的協助,以及新港在地鄉親的幫忙。資深義工可參加每兩週一次資深義工幹部會議,由義工輪流當主持人,以民主與公開討論的方式,集結眾人力量,參與各項活動,無怨無悔,共襄盛舉。 三、在地社團組織林立:新港是一個社團林立的鄉鎮,藉由社團成員的高度重疊所建立的聯繫,管道暢通無阻,有助於基金會業務推展。 四、組織成員普遍具無私的精神:在筆者訪談的過程中發現,所有的受訪者都將自己為新港所做的一切,都歸功於新港鄉民大家的努力,認為新港能發展進步全是因為大家的付出。因此,「同村協力」是大家共同的理念。每當新港鄉有任何活動,大家都當成是自家辦喜事的心情。長久以來在鄉鎮常出現的政治派系嚴重對立情形,在新港全淡化成芝麻小事。 五、公民社會(Civil society)的展現:新港文教基金會成立後,基金會對於所投入的活動,一直是以永續發展為目標,因為基金會了解社區文化的養成與公民社會的實踐,是需要長時間經營才能看到成效的,我們可從早期的淨港計畫、KTV歌唱比賽、到近期的國際交流活動等,看出基金會在地深耕的成果。


Founded in 1987, by starting with concerns about teenagers of home town, Xingang Foundation of Culture & Education effectively integrated various types of organization and resource in Xingang Township, established the social power that cannot be overlooked, strived for helping with other expanded local issues, and finally promoted the reborn old town to be an ideal model of a civil society in Taiwan. International Community Arts Festival is one of numerous featured activities of Xingang Foundation of Culture & Education. The study tried to integrate the concepts and channels of festival management and collaborative governance, and to investigate into the experiences and meanings of the internal government and festival management of Xingang Foundation of Culture & Education through the research methods of participatory observation and in-depth interview to understand the rural non-profit organization’s interactive relationships in the process of collaboration relationship participation, including several actual relationships such as corporation, complementary, independence, supervision and conflict, and further to realize the reasons and inspired meanings of its continuous development. The study included the significant findings as follows: 1.Leaders’ common consensus of local organizations:The interactions among the four original competitive local organizations including the district office, the farmer’s association, Feng-Tian Palace, and the Foundation in Xingang have been extraordinarily harmony. The main reason was that the leaders of the four local organizations all have participated in the businesses of Xingang Foundation of Culture & Education, and were willing to provide both human forces and resources of the Foundation that was promoted to be a dialogue platform of various organization and communities in Xingang, and to effectively integrate local resources. 2.Comprehensive voluntary organization systems:Addition to nine special staff of Secretariat, Xingang Foundation of Culture & Education needs the assistance of over 300 volunteers and local people of Xingang area in promoting all kinds of activity. Senior volunteers may participate in the Senior Volunteer’s Cadre Meeting held every two weeks, and take turns to host the meeting. In the meeting, all senior volunteers have discussions in an open democratic way, gather people’s strengths, and ardently participate various activities without any regrets. 3. Numerous local organizations have been established:Xingang Township is a district where is full of different community groups. With high overlapping connections built up by community members and smooth communication channels, the community groups are helpful for the business promotion of the Foundation. 4.Most members of organizations are selfless:From the process of interview, the author found that all of the interviewees gave the credit to the efforts of the folks of Xingang Township for what they have done thinking that the improvement of Xingang was the result of everyone’s efforts. Therefore, the concept of “It takes a village” is everybody’s common idea. The folks take any activities held in Xingang Township as their own celebration events or festivals. The political factions which usually have long been regarded as severe contravention in other townships are simplified to be tiny things in Xingang. 5. Presentation of civil society:After having been established, Xingang Foundation of Culture & Education set a goal of continuous development for the activities which they have gotten evolved. Because they know that the cultivation of community culture and the implement of civil society take a long time to achieve effects. We can see the outcomes of grass-roots efforts of the Foundation through the harbor cleaning plan and KTV contests in early time, and international exchange activities lately.


江明修、陳定銘(2000)<臺灣非營利組織政策遊說的途徑與策略>,國立政治大學公共行政學報,第4期 頁153-192
余佩珊譯(1994)《非營利機構的經營之道》,彼得.杜拉克(P. Drucker)著,台北:遠流。


