  • 學位論文


Descriptive V-de Construction as Predication in Mandarin Chinese

指導教授 : 羅麗蓓


本論文的研究對象是現代漢語描述性「得」字句,目的在提出一套可以統合解釋其句法特性和語義特徵之間的互動的理論。 本文採用Dowty (1979) 提出的狀態事件測試法來測試描述性「得」字句的事件類型,其結果指出描述性「得」字句的事件類型為「狀態」(state)。另根據Rappaport Hovav & Levin (2001) 對於單純事件與複合事件的區辨,本文認為有三項特徵指向描述性「得」字句是單純事件結構,而這恰為狀態事件的典型特徵:其一為「得」字前面的述語和「得」字後面的狀語之間有時間依存關係;其二為缺乏致動語義;其三為「得」字後不能出現名詞片語。 本文假設「得」字為不及物輕動詞BE的語音形式,其補語為由「得」字前面的述語和「得」字後面的狀語在句法上所組成的一個合成述語,此述語並共同指派一個論旨角色—客體(Theme)給主語。這個合成述語指涉一個狀態事件,該事件類型即由狀語決定。這項看法與「主要述語假設」(PPH) 一致。 本論文採納Larson (2004) 所提出之句法語義對應模型,主張「得」字後面的狀語應該對應到結構化Davidson氏事件量化(structured Davidsonian event quantification)的核心範域 (nuclear scope) 上,並傳達句子的斷言訊息。更進一步,本文針對描述性「得」字句的結構化Davidson氏事件量化應如何擬設提出了一個新的看法。 本研究結果指出,在結構化Davidson氏事件量化裡,「得」字後面的狀語作為謂詞,其變元是合成述語指涉的狀態事件,而客體角色做為謂詞,主語指涉的對象為其常元。


This thesis provides a unified account of various semantic properties and syntactic behaviors of the descriptive V-de construction in Mandarin Chinese. The descriptive V-de construction is one type of V-de construction. In the literature, the discussion on the descriptive V-de construction, while widespread, is often subsumed under the general discussion on the V-de construction (e.g. Chao (1968), Dai (1992), C.-R. Huang (1990), Huang & Mangione (1985), Huang (1988), Huang (1992), Huang et al. (2009), Ross (1984), Tai (1989), Tang (1992), Ting & Li (1997), among others). Using Dowty’s (1979) diagnostics for states to test the event type of the descriptive V-de construction, I conclude that the construction is stative. In terms of the distinctions between simple event and complex event made by Rappaport Hovav & Levin (2001), the three properties of the descriptive V-de construction — temporal dependency between pre-de and post-de elements, prohibition of NPs following de, and lack of causative meaning — show that the construction has a simple event structure, which is characteristic of statives. I propose that the stativity of the event expressed compositionally by the pre-de verb and the post-de adverbial in the descriptive V-de construction is determined by the post-de adverbial, not by the pre-de verb, a view consistent with the Primary Predicate Hypothesis. Since the descriptive V-de construction is stative, I argue that the particle de is the intransitive light verb BE, which is attached to the pre-de verb, and that the construction only has one obligatory theta-role — Theme — which is assigned compositionally by the pre-de verb and the post-de adverbial. Working within the framework of Larson’s (2004) semanto-syntactic mapping model and adopting the analysis that the post-de adverbial serves as the complement of the pre-de verb under the Secondary Predicate Hypothesis, and is mapped into the nuclear scope of the structured Davidsonian event quantification, expressing the assertion, I propose that the post-de adverbial can be semantically represented as a state denoting predicate, and that the state denoted by the post-de adverbial has the subject of the sentence as its Theme. Furthermore, I propose that the post-de adverbial is predicated of the event denoted by the pre-de verb.


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