  • 學位論文


The Study of User Gratification for Participators of Online Video Sharing Websites

指導教授 : 楊美雪博士


網路個人媒體時代來臨,據網路市場研究公司comScore Networks的調查報告指出,影音分享網站YouTube2006年造訪人次比2005年成長了1972%,國內的網路業者也看準這股影音分享的風潮,如Yahoo!奇摩、PC home、蕃薯藤等網站紛紛推出影音分享服務。 本研究採用內容分析及網路問卷調查法,對於目前國內影音分享網站的使用現況進行分析,並探討使用者對影音分享網站的滿意度、期望及使用動機,針對結果給予相關產業建議。從內容分析結果可得知網站在資訊內容及互動性功能兩部分較缺乏,為需要改進之處;另外從問卷結果瞭解使用者對資訊內容、互動性功能期望程度較高,所以網站對於兩方面的內容安排無法滿足使用者需求,而在滿意度部分則以互動性功能滿意度最高,在系統功能及資訊內容方面仍有加強的空間。而從研究假設驗證中發現(1)不同年齡、教育程度、每日上網時數及影音分享網站使用資歷對網站「系統功能」期望有顯著差異(2)不同年齡、教育程度、網路使用資歷、每日上網時數、影音分享網站使用資歷對網站「資訊提供」期望有顯著差異(3)每日上網時數長短對網站「互動性設計」期望有顯著差異(4)每日上網時數對網站「系統功能」滿意度有顯著差異(5)每日使用影音分享網站時數對影音分享網站「系統功能」、「資訊提供」滿意度有顯著差異(6)每週發表作品數量對於影音分享網站「系統功能」滿意度有顯著差異。 國內影音分享網站未來發展可從「全球化」的視野出發,打破語言及文字的限制,吸引更多的使用者參與,相關單位也能予以輔導協助,並和學術界進行意見與技術交流,以提升影音分享產業的競爭優勢。


The Taiwan scale of online streaming video & audio market of 2007. According to the network market research company “ comScore Networks ”, its survey report pointed out the number of visitor for the Streams of YouTube grew up by 1972% compare to that of 2005. In Taiwan, many website providers are confident on the trend of the function of sharing videos. This study used a content analysis and a network survey analysis on motives, expectancy and gratification of the users of Online Video Sharing Websites to give some advices to the industry. The study has the following conclusions: (1) user expectancy of website system are significantly affected by user characteristics. (2) user expectancy of website information are significantly affected by user characteristics. (3) user expectancy of website interaction are significantly affected by user characteristics. (4) user gratification of website system are significantly affected by how many hours for a use surfing internet per day. (5) user gratification of website system and information are significantly affected by how long a user uses Broadband Video Share Website per day. (6) user gratification of website system are significantly affected by using number of programs per week. For future development online Video Sharing Websites have the vision of "globalization" to break the restrictions of language .Attract more users to participate. To integrate various media resources can enrich their contents. The government amd academia can also provide advices to upgrade competitiveness.


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