  • 學位論文

彩變 • 自然--和諧的美感繪畫創作研究

Hue-shifting — Nature A Study over Harmonically-aesthetic Drawing and Creation

指導教授 : 王瓊麗


摘 要 從事藝術創作需要極強大且敏感的心靈將自己的思維投諸在個人的創作作品上,將種種複雜的情緒感受轉化成外顯的圖像,讓觀賞者感受到美感傳達與訊息接受,透過不斷思維與修正將自己的創作表現完整傳達。 本文主要以「彩變.自然」作為創作主題,以變化多端的自然生活經驗進行和諧的美感繪畫創作研究,藉由個人繪畫創作與美感學理整合,並對各系列作品產生的因素與影響分別撰寫,共計五章: 第一章 說明創作主題「彩變.自然」之創作研究動機與目的、創作研究範圍與方法,探索自然環境對創作的影響。 第二章 論述創作理念,探尋創作學理基礎對繪畫創作的影響。 第三章 討論創作理念的形成、創作內容及圖像意涵、美感探討及創作中所使用的技法與媒材應用。 第四章 「彩變.自然」之繪畫創作實踐,作品分為三大系列:自然觀照系列、人與自然系列、奇幻自然系列,創作作品配合歷程圖片進行說明分析,了解創作觀點及創作目的。 第五章 結論中檢討本次創作研究歷程所得,並對未來創作方向的可能性作一說明。 關鍵詞:彩變、自然、和諧、美感、繪畫創作


彩變 自然 和諧 美感 繪畫創作


Hue-shifting — Nature A Study over Harmonically-aesthetic Drawing and Creation Abstract Artistic creation demands for a thriving and sensitive mentality of an artist to project the inner thoughts upon works. When artists compose their works by transferring sorts of the complex and delicate affections into visual images and thus, after series of refined amendments, viewers can receive the messages of aesthetics artists desire to convey. This thesis, “Hue-shifting — Nature,” is the study over harmonically-aesthetic creation based on daily experiences from the variable Nature. By integrating the individual drawings and discipline of aesthesis and composing the factors and effects respectively bearing on each series of drawings, five chapters are organized as follows Chapter 1: Explain research motives, scopes, approaches of “Hue-shifting — Nature,” exploring effects of Nature during the creation processes. Chapter 2: Describe creation ideals and investigate effects of fundamentals of creation upon drawings. Chapter 3: Discuss formations of creation ideals, contents and graphic meanings, aesthetic study, as well as the “savoir-faire” and materials applied in the processes of creation. Chapter 4: Realization of drawing concepts, “Hue-shifting – Nature,” is classified into three major series: Introspection of Nature, Nature and Human, Fantastic Nature. Complete analyses over these creations auxiliary with pictures taken in process of creation assert creation aspects and objects. Chapter 5: Summarize and review the fruitful results during the process of creation and indicate the potential orientation of creation in the future. Key words: Hue-shifting, Nature, Harmonic, Aesthetic, Drawing and Creation


Hue-shifting Nature Harmonic Aesthetic Drawing and Creation


˙Jung, C.G. (1971). Psychological Types. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 6).
˙Micholas Roukes (1988), Design Synectics, Massachusetts:Davis Publications
˙Carl Gustav Jung著 吳康等譯(1999):心理類型(上、下)。台北:桂冠。
˙Retrieved Jan 31 2007, from the World Wide Web:
