  • 學位論文


The Development and Transformation of the Religious Non-Profit Organization-A Case Study of the Cheng Feng Teenager's School

指導教授 : 陳雪雲


本研究在探討宗教性非營利組織的發展與蛻變過程,並從非營利組織經營與運作、基督教宗教信念與中輟教育服務提供等三面向來探討組織發展的演變。本研究採取「歷史社會學分析」的「方法論」基本邏輯,採取「深度訪談」與「文件分析」的方式進行。 根據訪談內容與分析的結果,本研究對研究個案提出的結論摘要如下: 一、 環境改變,宗教性非營利組織在中介教育扮演重要角色。 二、 社會變遷中,宗教性非營利組織的蛻變: (一) 宗教信念為學園營運和教育實踐的泉源。 (二) 學園體質轉化從類教會到純機構。 (三) 學園從純學校到教育與社福交錯。 (四) 從個人決策到專業團隊合作。 (五) 從牧師個人身分到社福單位聯合勸募。 (六) 計畫性志工招募與培訓。 (七) 社會資源網絡從神聖到世俗。 1. 與政府關係,從遊說立法到合作關係。 2. 與學校關係,從學校主導到互動漸趨平等。 3. 與民間團體關係,從教會到社福機構。 (八)普世價值為心宗教為情的中介教育。 最後依據研究發現,分別針對研究個案「乘風少年學園」、政府、學校、其他基督教背景非營利組織與未來研究等方面提出建議。


This dissertation aims to study into the development and transformation of Cheng Feng Teenager’s School that was established in 1996 as religious non-profit organizations in Taipei. The study aimed to explore three aspects, such as management and operation of NPO, belief of Christianity, and supply of intermediate education. Taking the perspectives of historical sociology, a multi-method research which include the in depth interview and document analysis is conducted from July 2006 to April 2007. The findings are highlighted as following: 1. In the contemporary Taiwanese society, the religious NPOs have a significant role to play in the intermediate education. 2. From 1996 to 2006 the transformation of religious NPOs has characterized as followings: (1) Religious belief is the springhead of the operation of this Teenager’s School and the supply of the intermediate education of this Teenager’s School. (2) The Constitution of the Teenager’s School has changed from a “religious establishment”to“pure institution and from “pure school” to the combination of education and social work. (3) The management of School has changed from personal decision-making to team working and fundraising has changed from individual to collaboration with other institutions. (4) The scheme has been launched to recruit and training volunteers. (5) The nexus of social network deployed by the School has changed from the Christians to the public. For instance, the relationship between the School and government has sifted from lobbyist to cooperation, and been equally treated by the secondary school. Furthermore, the School has a close relation with the social institution (6) Generally speaking, both the Christianity and universal values has been embedded in the practice of intermediate education. Finally, we suggest that the Cheng Feng Teenager’s School should cooperate with the government, the secondary school, and the NPOs within third sector in order to provide the education for the youth who has been drop out from school.




