  • 學位論文


The Study of Applying Bionics Theory on Visual Image Design-Take the Fu Shan Maran Forest Class for Example

指導教授 : 吳千華


中文摘要 仿生學是運用眾多學科整合、延伸出來的交叉科學,仿生設計研究的範圍廣泛,近年來尤其盛行,許多透過仿生概念研發出來的設計產品,有效地解決了人們的問題,也大受歡迎、蔚為風潮。 在設計領域,仿生思維多運用於工業設計、產品設計、建築設計等相關設計上;本論文嘗試跨界的結合,將仿生設計的理論研究與設計實務相結合,藉由仿生學、仿生設計、仿生思維、視覺形象設計、企業識別系統相關文獻的分析整理,與對當代國內外應用仿生思維設計作品之研究,分析出仿生思維的特色及運用仿生的概念手法,如形態仿生、功能仿生、結構仿生、視覺仿生、色彩仿生、介面仿生、運動仿生、文化象徵仿生。 利用研究出的仿生原則與結果,建構一套仿生思維、仿生設計的方法,再透過研究結果實際運用於視覺形象創作,達到仿生的目的和效果,提供設計者在視覺形象設計上,藉此發展出新的方向。 本研究提供設計師在創意發想階段另一種設計的思維方法,擴展設計的視野角度與深度,貼近土地,聆聽大地的心跳,啟迪我們原始的想像,讓設計更具天然的生命力,親近人心,符合人性,將自然與藝術融合為一體,為設計創作帶來新的氣象。 關鍵字:仿生學、仿生思維、仿生設計學、視覺形象設計、企業識別系統


Abstract Bionics is a branch of learning combining various academic studies. The research element of bionic design is very extensive. By employing the concept of bionic design, products provide efficient solutions to problems encountered by humans and thus bionic design has become popular in recent years. In the design area, bionic thinking is generally used in industrial design, product design, architectural design and correlated designs. The central focus of this thesis is to combine bionic theory and practical design programs by analyzing the research documents of bionics, bionic design, bionic thinking, visual image design, corporate identity system and bionic art works all over the world, examining the main characteristics of bionic design and the principles of bionics, such as shape bionics, functional bionics, structural bionics, visual bionics, color bionics, interface bionics, sport bionics and cultural symbolic bionics. These principles are used as the foundation of this research to build up the bionic thinking and bionic design method, finally to make use of the principles of bionic research in visual image design and to identify the purpose and effect of bionics and apply this new method for use of those involved in visual image design. This research provides a new design method for designers to choose when constructing the concept of design. It expands the phase of thinking and the depth of design, bringing human beings close to the earth, listening to the heartbeat of the earth and inspiring the original imagination. Moreover, it fills the design with soul, conforming to human nature and combining art with it. Key word:bionics, bionic thinking, bionic design, visual image design, CIS


bionics bionic thinking bionic design visual image design CIS


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