  • 學位論文


Singing Teaching Method Applied to Chinese Curriculum Design -Take the Thai Grade-3 students at BCIS as an example

指導教授 : 葉 德明 教授


歌唱教學法應用於初級華語課程設計 -以泰國BCIS小學三年級學生對象為例 中文摘要 關鍵字:中文為第二語言、歌唱教學、教學法、教材設計 研究者在泰國教學八年以來,發現所教不同的學生對象,必須用不一樣的教材及不同的教法,所收到的效果會比較顯著。舉例來說,教幼稚園的學生,就必須聽說多於讀寫,加上唱歌遊戲中學習,提高學習意願,而小學生就必須聽說讀寫並進,而且要在唱歌遊戲,分組合作比賽中學習,才能提高他們的學習興趣。至於中學生與高中生,除了聽說讀寫分組或個別比賽並進之外,還需要讓他們有自己思考與發揮的空間及歌唱學習,以增加學生的學習興趣,然而成人已具備語言基礎,所以以讀寫為主,並配合歌唱學習,以提升較快的學習興趣和效率。 研究者對於歌唱及韻律深感興趣,當研究者接觸教職後,不管學校用什麼教材,研究者總會編歌曲加入教學,效果相當顯著,不論任何層級的學生都學的很快樂,家長也很開心,學生很自然的在家裡唱所學過的歌,也很自然的學會歌詞的意思及會話,所以研究者對於以中文為第二語言之歌唱教學法,為輔導方式的研究,具有專長並有相當的信心,促使研究者有更深一層的研究動機,整理日常實行之教學所得完成本文。


Singing Teaching Method Applied to Chinese Curriculum Design -Take the Thai Grade-3 students at BCIS as an example Abstract Key words: Chinese as a second language, Musical teaching, Teaching method, Teaching material design. Since researcher, is teaching in Thailand for eight years, discovered teaching different student, must use the dissimilar teaching material and different teaching method, then, receives the effect can quite be remarkable. The example, teaches the preschool student, must listen is more than read-write adds on sings in the game to study the enhancement study wish, but the elementary student must listen read-write advances together, moreover must in sing the game to group in the cooperation competition to study, can enhance their study interest. As for the middle-school student and the high-school pupil, besides heard the read-write grouping or the individual competition advances together, but also needs to let them have oneself pondered and the display space and sings to study increases student's study interest, however the adult has had the language foundation therefore by read-write primarily and sings to study promotes the quick study efficiency and the interest. Researcher regarding sings and the rhythm has the interest very much, perhaps some talent, after researcher contacts the teacher ship no matter the school with any teaching material, researcher general meeting arranges the song to join the teaching, the effect is quite remarkable, no matter recognizes any social class the students all study very joyfully, the guardian very is also happy, the student very natural at home sings has studied the song, also very natural academic society lyrics meaning and conversation, therefore researcher regarding sings the teaching method take Chinese as the second language to have the interest extremely for the counseling way research and to have the suitable confidence, urges researcher to have the deeper research motive.


English Texts:
Larsen-Freeman, Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
(Chomsky, Noam. “Logical Syntax and Semantics: Their Linguistic Relevance.” Language 31.1 (1955): 33 pars.)
參考文獻 References


謝佩芸(2013)。歌唱教學提昇國小六年級學生節奏能力之 行動研究〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613552156
