  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Watching Television Drama Program Behaviors and Life Style of Elders in Taipei City Evergreen Academy

指導教授 : 黃明月


本研究旨在探討台北市長青學苑高齡者觀看電視戲劇節目的「收視動機」、「收視行為」、「收視偏好」及「生活型態」的情形及其關聯性。以台北市政府社會局之中山區、松山區及大同區的「長青學苑」高齡學生共1,060位為研究母群體;以研究者編修之「台北市高齡者觀看電視戲劇節目與生活型態關係調查問卷」進行調查,有效樣本數共322份,將調查所得資料以樣本描述性統計分析、因素分析、集群分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定及複選題分析等統計方法進行分析。得到研究結論如下: 壹、高齡者觀看電視戲劇節目的收視動機偏向「工具性動機」;以「為了學 習新事物或生活常識」為最主要的收視動機。 貳、高齡者平均每日收視時數約「3-4小時」;「自己」一人獨自收視最 多;最常收視的時段為「晚上8點1分至10點」;收視的訊息來自「剛好 轉到」及「電視廣告介紹」最多。 參、高齡者偏好節目時間背景為「時裝劇」;偏好「6集以上」的節目;偏 好節目播出時間長度為「1小時」;偏好節目播出語言為「國語劇」及 「閩南語劇」;偏好台灣自製的「台灣劇」;偏好戲劇類型為「歷史公 案劇」等。 肆、高齡者的「生活型態」是以家庭生活為重心,購物重視實用性;同時認 為人應該活到老學到老,不喜歡在別人面前表現自我。本研究根據受試 高齡者生活型態特性,區分為兩個集群,分別為對各項事物,包括:家 庭生活、戶外活動等都有較高的參與興趣,對社會變化感受力較強的 「開放實際型」;及對各項事物的興趣及對社會的感受力較弱,對問題 的看法及意見趨向保守的「保守理想型」兩個集群;多數受訪高齡者是 傾向「開放實際型」。 伍、不同「社會人口背景」高齡者在「收視動機」、「收視行為」及「收視 偏好」各有不同的顯著差異情形。在「收視動機」上,不同「性別」高 齡者具有顯著差異,其他變項沒有顯著差異;在「收視行為」上,除了 不同「居住地區」高齡者沒有顯著差異外;其他背景變項包括:性別、 年齡、省籍、婚姻狀況、收入狀況、居住狀況及教育程度等均具有顯著 差異;在「收視偏好」上,除了不同「居住狀況」高齡者沒有顯著差異 外;其他背景變項包括:性別、年齡、省籍、婚姻狀況、收入狀況、居 住地區及教育程度等均具有顯著差異。 陸、不同「生活型態集群」高齡者,其觀看電視戲劇節目的「收視動機」、 「收視行為」、「收視偏好」均具有顯著的差異。 根據研究結果及過程,分別對「長青學苑」、「媒體經營業者」及「未來研究」提出數點建議。 關鍵詞:高齡者、電視戲劇節目、收視動機、收視行為、收視偏好、生活型態


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between watching television drama program behaviors and life style of elders in Taipei City Evergreen Academy. The population of this study is 1,060 elder students in Taipei City Evergreen Academy. The investigation is proceeded with the “questionnaire of the relationship between watching television drama program behaviors and life style of elders in Taipei City” developed by the researcher. The effective sample size is 322 samples. The data from the investigation is analyzed through statistic methods such as the descriptive statistical analysis of samples, factor analysis, cluster analysis, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test, and multiple response analysis. The findings are as follows: 1. The elders’ motivation of watching TV tends to be “instrumental motivation;” the major motivation of watching TV is “for learning new things or common sense in life.” 2. The average daily TV-watching time is about 3-4 hours; most people watch “alone;” the major watching time is “from 08:01 to 10:00 in the evening;” the information of watching programs mainly comes from the “coincidental selection” and the “introduction of TV advertisements.” 3. Elders prefer “contemporary drama,” “more than 6 episodes,” and “one hour” drama; they prefer “mandarin drama,” “Minnan drama,” and Taiwan-made “Taiwanese drama;” their favorite drama category is “historical court case drama.” 4. The emphasis of elders’ life style is on their family life, so they stress the use value when shopping. They think one is never too old to learn and don’t like to show themselves in front of others. The research divides the elders into two clusters which are “open and practical cluster” and “conservative and ideal cluster.” Most studied elders belong to “open and practical cluster.” 5. Elders with different “demographic characteristics” have significant differences in “viewing motives,” “viewing behaviors,” and “viewing preferences.” As for “viewing motives,” elders in different “gender” have significant differences while other variables do not cause many differences. As for “viewing behaviors,” elders in different “residential areas” have no significant differences while other demographic characteristics cause significant differences. As for “viewing preferences,” elders with different “residential conditions” have no significant differences while other demographic characteristics cause significant obvious differences. 6. Elders with different “life style clusters” are significantly different in “viewing motives,” “viewing behaviors,” and “viewing preferences,” when they are watching television drama programs. According to the results and process of the research, several suggestions are provided respectively to “Evergreen Academy,” “media managers,” and “future studies.” Keyword:The elderly, TV drama program, viewing motives, viewing behaviors, viewing preferences, life style


