  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study between Peer Tutoring vs. Traditional Methods on Effects in Sports Skills and Social Development by Junior-High Students with Mild Mental Retardation

指導教授 : 杜正治


在融合式班級中的體育課程,智能障礙學生不只是學習運動技巧,也透過體育課程達到人際互動、體能增進、適應生活等目的。若只是一般體育教學,較無法提升智能障礙學生參與運動動機,國內外研究指出,同儕教導是影響學習動機的重要因素之一,除提升學習動機,透過同儕學習身體活動增加社會能力、溝通、知覺動作、生活適應等。本研究採用比較介入設計之一的「交替處理設計」(alternating treatment design,簡稱為 ATD)進行研究。研究目的在比較同儕教導與傳統教學,對輕度智能障礙學生學習運動技能之立即效果及保留效果,且探討同儕教學對智能障礙學生社會發展,以及受試學生家長及班導師對同儕教導方法的接受度。研究對象為國中普通班二位輕度智能障礙學生,研究期間以同儕教導教學與傳統教學法實施教學活動,教授籃球定點運球墊步跳投及羽球發球二項運動技能,實驗中觀察受試者在班級中「與人相處技巧」、「交朋友技巧」,實驗結束後對受試者家長及班導師進行半結構式訪談。研究結果發現,同儕教導教學對輕度智能障礙學生學習運動技能,在立即效果及保留效果皆優於傳統教學;對於受試學生之社會發展也有正面的影響;家長及班導師對於受試學生接受同儕教學課程也持正面肯定的態度。


The students with mild mental retardation could learn not only sports skill but also make their relationship, physical fitness and community better through inclusive physical education. The physical education of disabled student is not well developed, and res ulting in few chances for disabled students to join proper physical education to develop their own potential. General physical education can not prompt the exercise motivation of the students with mild mental retardation. The research indicated that Peer Tutoring is one of the important factors to influence the learning motivation. Besides, students may have better social competence, communication, sensorimotor ability and community lives through Peer Tutoring. The purpose of this research is to compare both the immediate and retained effects of the sport skills for students with mild mental retardation who are trained with Peer Tutoring and Traditional Teaching Method. The research also explores the social development of these students with Peer Tutoring. It also examines acceptance of parents and teachers for both teaching modes. The “alternating treatment design (ATD)” is employed in the study. Participants consist of three junior high school students with mild mental retardation. They are tr ained with 2 different teaching methods, “Peer Tutoring” and “Traditional Teaching Method”. Two sport skills are matched up with the above methods , “basketball fixed point dribbling and step advance to jump shot” and “To serve a ball in badminton”. The research indicates that Peer Tutoring has better learning effect (both immediate and retained) for these students. These participants also demonstrate positive social development after the program training. The parents and teachers are both positive in their comment for Peer Tutoring.


杜正治、辛怡薇(2008)。教師導向教學法與同儕協助學習法之比較:並行處理設計之應用。特殊教育學報, 27, 81-98


