  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃人傑 朱浤源


戰後的台灣,面臨日本殖民終結、復歸祖國的大變革,台灣民心充滿期待;同時,國共內戰方興未艾,使情勢既變得複雜又添上不安。所以,研究戰後台灣歷史,必須多方面掌握史料,採多面向、辯證的歷史觀照是本論文首要掌握的重點,再以紮實的考證功夫與開放的詮釋視野,重構台灣戰後之歷史論述。 本文採歷史結構之研究途徑,由於戰後台灣,面臨的是歷史的巨變,殖民統治的結束,國民政府的接收,外在環境有美國對台政策的轉變、國共戰爭之逆轉、內在政治環境受日據時期政治運動之影響、二二八事件的衝擊、四位省級行政首長的更迭,在整個動態變遷中,所有因素互為因果,牽動歷史的發展方向。這段期間,省級民意機關-省參議會,在長達五年七個月的任期內,全程參與地方自治的籌畫與研議,戮力以赴,成功推動地方自治之施行。本文擬以省參議會為核心,探討戰後四位行政首長在地方自治方案研議過程中,與參議會之互動,以及行政部門之階段性成效,及其他影響決策之結構性因素。 在資料引用方面,本論文在前輩學人研究基礎之上,蒐羅更多省政府與國家檔案局之檔案文件,以及進一步引證台灣省諮議會典藏之省參議會議政原始資料,以珍貴之民眾陳情書和參議員之議場發言作為佐證,將有助於本文之論證更為細緻與周全。 本文所將呈現於學術界者,其為:一、史料之重現與史實之重建;二、以重現之史實,否證若干定論。精言之,由於地方自治涵蓋要素甚多,其中對未來發展影響最鉅的空間因素-行政區域的劃分過程,將引用政治學的理論與架構,復參以具實證性之史料,用實務之經驗,加以驗證或否證,並作為本文核心探討的範圍。


Taiwan, after the closing of the Second World War, was at the time of great changes from the termination of Japanese occupation to the restoration to the embrace of her motherland. Taiwanese people, on one side, were teemed with eager anticipation in their hearts; on the other side, the civil war was raging in the mainland, giving complexities and misgivings to what promised to evolve. Hence, to have comprehensive historical data searched and collected is critical to the study of the postwar Taiwan history. Based on multi-faceted and dialectical contemplation on the history, together with solidly planned textual research efforts, this dissertation aims to reconstruct the historical interpretation of the Taiwan postwar period from an objective and tolerant viewpoint. A historical-structural approach was adopted by this study. Due to the fact that Taiwan, after World War II, was encountered with unprecedented radical changes, including the release from colonial rule and restoration to Chinese National Government. From the outside were the wobbling of U.S. China policies and the quick and sudden reverses of the civil war situation, while various internal factors existed in political circumstances, such as effects of political movements launched starting Japanese occupation period, impact of 228 Incident and four repeated replacements of provincial level officials. All such factors interacted with one another as reciprocal causation during the changes and transitions, and upset the general situation. During this period, Taiwan Provincial Legislature, the highest legislative body in Taiwan at that time, participated in the planning and consultation of local self-government throughout her tenure of five years and seven months, overcoming various difficulties with its entire energy, and successfully assisted in the implementation of local self-government. With Taiwan Provincial Legislature as a core, this dissertation investigated the interactions between Taiwan Provincial Legislature and the four provincial level officials in the planning of local self-government, administrative performances at various stages and other structural factors that influenced decision-making. In terms of references and citation, on the ground of previous researches conducted by predecessor scholars worked in this field earlier, this study has collected more official archives and documents from the provincial government and National Archives Administration while original official documents of Taiwan Provincial Legislature preserved by Taiwan Provincial Consultative Council, people's petitions and legislators' opinions stated in the assembly are further cited as dainty and complete support to arguments exhibited in the dissertation. What this dissertation aims to present to the academic circles are: 1. to comb out historical data and restore historical facts to their original states; 2. to prove false of certain settled opinions based on rediscovered historical facts. The process of administrative division, a spatial factor wielding greatest influence on the future among many other factors involved in local self-government, is the main scope of discussion in this dissertation and would be verified or falsified with theories and framework in political science as well as positive historical data and experience from real practices.


24. 何思慎(1999),《擺盪在兩岸之間-戰後日本對華政策(1945-1997)》,台北:東大圖書公司。
29. 吳文星(1992),《日據時期台灣社會領導階層之研究》,台北:正中。
53. 周婉窈(1989),《日據時代台灣議會設置請願運動》,台北:自立報系文化出版。
64. 林國章(2004),《民族主義與台灣抗日運動(1895-1945)》,台北:海峽學術。
81. 紀俊臣、陳陽德(2001),《台灣地方自治人物誌:縣市長篇》,台灣省諮議會。


