  • 學位論文


A Study on Death Attitudes and Demand of Death Education of University Students-The Case of A Private University.

指導教授 : 黃松元 呂昌明


本研究主要目的在探討大學生死亡態度與死亡教育之需求,以九十八學年度第二學期就讀於某私立大學一、二年級的學生為研究對象,採系統抽樣方式,共獲得有效樣本388人,以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe’s或Dunnett’s T3事後比較、皮爾森積差相關進行資料統計分析,研究結果如下: 1、大學生的死亡態度以中性接受為主,死亡恐懼與死亡逃避次 之,逃離接受分數最低。 2、大學生對死亡教育需求度高,尤其是「人生、生命與命運」 平均得分最高,其他依次為「臨終關懷與死亡準備」、「面對生 死與生死倫理」、「靈魂、輪迴與死後世界」、「死亡的原因、體驗與意義」、「殯葬習俗」、「宗教、戰爭與生死」。 3、大學生的性別、年級、宗教信仰、宗教虔誠度、身心健康狀 況、家中曾討論死亡的問題、曾修習過生死教育課程、接觸 大眾媒體有關死亡的報導、閱讀與死亡有關的書籍文章及影 響對死亡態度最深者之不同,在死亡態度各層面上有顯著差 異。 4、大學生的性別、年級、宗教信仰、宗教虔誠度、在家排行與 家庭社經地位、家中曾討論死亡的問題及影響對死亡態度最 深者之不同,在整體死亡教育需求與各層面上有顯著差異。 5、大學生的死亡態度,除了「死亡逃避」與其整體死亡教育需求 無顯著相關,其餘四個層面皆呈現正相關。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the death attitudes and demand of death education of university students.The subjects of the study were the freshmen and sophomores in a private university in 2009. The systematic sampling method was utilized to select the sampie.The effective samples were 388.The data were analyzed by using t-test , one-way ANOVA , Scheffe,s or Dunnett,s T3 and Pearson product-moment correlation.The major findings of the study were as follows: 1、Student’s attitude towards death was mainly of “neutral acceptance” ,secondly on “fear of death ” and “death avoidance” and lastly on the “escape acceptance ” of death. 2、Students had high demand regarding death education.The most needed area of demand of death Education was「life and destiny」,followed by 「palliative care and dying preparation」、「life and death and ethics」、「the soul, the samsara and after the death of the world」、「the reason、 experience and mean of death」、「the funeral and burial of the custom」、「religion, war, life and death」. 3、The death attitudes were significantly difference on gender , grade ,religious belief and the degree of belief , health status , the way of discussion about topic related to death at home and once had studied the life and death education curriculum , read the books of death and influence death attitudes. 4、The demand of death education was significantly difference on gender, grade , religious belief and the degree of belief , the sequence of birth , socioeconomic status , the way of discussion about topic related to death at home and influence death attitudes. 5、The students’ “fear of death” ,” neutral acceptance”,” escape acceptance” and ” approach acceptance ”correlated positively with their demand of death education with the exception of “death avoidance” correlated negatively.


