  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on University Students’ Relevance Judgment for Web Video Retrieval

指導教授 : 卜小蝶


隨著網路影音資源大量成長,使用者上網搜尋影音已相當普遍。在檢索過程中,使用者如何由大量且無組織的影音資源中過濾及取得所需資訊,已成為重要的研究議題。瞭解使用者相關判斷行為特性是提升檢索效益的重要基礎,本研究即嘗試以大學生使用者為對象,分析其網路影音之相關判斷準則、及這些準則在檢索前後之變化;同時,本研究也初步探討人口背景及檢索任務類型對其網路影音相關判斷之影響。 本研究採實驗、訪談、問卷及觀察等方法。研究對象以經常上網搜尋網路影音的大學生為主,計有16名來自不同學科背景大學生參與本研究。為避免系統因素影響,實驗平台以目前網路上最主要之影音搜尋網站Google Video為範疇,實驗中,本研究依照網路影音特性之文字資訊、影像資訊及隱性資訊提供三種類型、複雜度高低不同之六項指定檢索任務,讓受試者不限時間內完成任務,本研究以螢幕記錄軟體記錄其檢索過程,並在旁觀察。同時,受試者在檢索前後各填寫一份影音相關判斷準則評估表,檢索後,研究者再進行個別訪談。 研究結果顯示:(1)就影音相關判斷準則中,受試者的前三項準則為「主題性」、「物件/事件」及「動作」;(2)就相關判斷線索而言,在瀏覽檢索結果時,受試者多以系統所提供之文字訊息進行相關判斷;而在實際觀賞影音時,則傾向以視覺型線索如影音中的物件、動作等來進行相關判斷;此外,當有多個目標影音可供選擇時,受試者則會以熟悉度、適用性等隱性之相關判斷準則作為選擇的依據;(3)就人口特質與影音相關判斷之關聯,本研究中男性和女性受試者所重視之相關判斷準則略有不同;而學科背景則與影音相關判斷無明顯關聯;此外,接觸網路影音搜尋網站的使用頻率越高,其影音相關判斷及檢索效率結果較佳。 根據上述,本研究針對系統及使用者層面有以下建議:就網路影音搜尋網站功能之改善,系統介面可將進階功能更明顯呈現,以利使用,特別是影音排序過濾功能;同時,系統也可增加更多元的文字資訊以利使用者進行相關判斷,例如:影音內的物件、事件標籤。另一方面,使用者之影音資訊素養,也是值得重視的議題,例如受試者會忽略系統進階功能可設定搜尋影片時間範圍及依照時間將影片排序,而須逐一檢視系統提供之時間訊息;藉由對影音資源特性與影音檢索系統的基本認識、及搜尋技巧的培養與提升,將有助使用者更快速搜尋到所需影音及後續之利用。


The internet has already leaped for the second media only next to television, now the online video sharing website is one of the potential services on the internet. For promoting the efficiency of the online video search, it’s important to understand user's general video using and searching behavior. To be faced with the large number of online videos, this is a worthy issue to understand people how to judge the relevance of their needs and video searching results, and the study of video relevance judgements may help online video websites improve their searching systems. This study attempt to online video website undergraduates’ relevance judgement criteria of choosing videos, observe users’ relevance judgements’ changes before and after accept tasks of different types. And analyze population background and the type of the tasks how to influence people’s relevance judgment criteria. The research methods include questionnaire, experiments and interviews. This study has 16 undergraduate online video website users from different subjects. The questionnaire analyzes users’ background and their online video website using habit. The experiment tends to observe users’ video search process and their selections of relevant judgment criteria. The interview in order to understand user’s thinking when doing the video searching tasks. The results indicate that: (1) the most important relevance judgment criteria of online video are “Topicality”.”Objects/events” and “Motion”; (2) during the video search results browing stage, people usually judge videos by the textual messages shown on online video websites, it’s similar to the situations with the general textual retrieval. When users on the video watching stage, they judge videos by audiovisual relevance criteria like objects, events or motion. When there are multiple target video choices, people places “familiarity”, “appropriateness” or other implicit criteria as selections. Also found that the stage of watching video is the most important stage for people determine ideal video; (3) Population characteristic makes influence to people’s online video relevance judgement. From this study found that men and women can be related to attention to the different criteria, and vsers’ subjects have no influence to their judgement results. However, the frequency of using online video websites takes effect of judgement, the higher frequency of users use video websites, the better searching results they could get. Finally, the study provides some suggestions on improving online video sharing websites systems, for examples: show more obvious of advanced search features or Increase more rigorous textual information for the user to make judgments. Users also need to enhance information literacy and searching skills, which may help they do better in searching videos.


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