  • 學位論文


The Problems and Professional Demands: An Explorative Study of Special Educational Teachers Who Consult with Identification of Students with Disabilities in Taipei Municipal Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 張正芬


本研究目的在探討臺北市國中鑑定諮詢種子教師之工作困擾與特教專業知能需求,並比較不同背景變項(鑑定年資、鑑定諮詢年資、99學年度是否擔任鑑定諮詢種子教師)之工作困擾與特教專業知能需求的看法是否不同。本研究採取問卷調查法,研究對象為31位臺北市國中鑑定諮詢種子教師。研究工具為自編之「臺北市國中鑑定諮詢種子教師工作困擾與特教專業知能需求調查問卷」,輔以訪談法。所得資料以次數分配、平均數、百分比等統計方法進行分析。訪談法以半結構方式對五名教師進行訪問,並依受訪者之意見進行歸納整理。歸納結論如下: 一、 鑑定諮詢種子教師對於所負責的鑑定諮詢工作稍感困擾,對於特教專業知能需求為有需求。工作困擾較高的項目為:角色期待層面之「需支援素質不一,鑑定能力尚未成熟的學校」、角色負荷層面之「兼顧鑑定諮詢種子教師工作與本職上的忙碌」。特教專業知能需求較高的項目為:知能層面之「新測驗之應用時機與解釋」、工作態度層面之「主動尋求支援,排除工作過程中之困難」。 二、不同鑑定年資、鑑定諮詢工作年資以及99年是否繼續擔任鑑定諮詢工作之鑑定諮詢種子教師於工作困擾及特教專業知能需求看法不同。工作困擾方面,鑑定年資多者工作困擾略高,鑑定諮詢年資少者在工作困擾的角色期待與角色負荷略高於年資深者,沒有繼續擔任的教師工作困擾較高。特教專業知能需求方面,鑑定年資與鑑定諮詢年資均是年資多者需求程度略高,沒有繼續擔任的教師需求程度也較繼續擔任者略高。 最後根據研究結果對教育行政單位、鑑定諮詢種子教師及未來的研究方向提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the problems which senior special educational teachers have encountered and the professional demands which they have and have not achieved when consulting with identifying a student with disability or not. Also comparing the problems and special education professional demands in different variables. (Identification years, identification consultant years, the willing to be identification consultant teachers in 99 school years) The questionnaire respondents included 31 special educational teachers from Taipei municipal junior high schools and followed by a semi-structure interview conducted with 5 of them. The collected data have been processed and analyzed through the frequency distribution, the mean, and the percentiles. The following results were obtained: 1. The higher frequency items of the problems are 「need to support the schools with changing quality and low identify skill」in role expectations, and 「the teachers need to handle both their work and identification consultancy 」in role overload . The higher frequency items in professional demands are「the applied timing and interpretation of new tests」in professional demands, and 「to seek support actively and solve the working problems」in working attitudes. 2. Among identification consultant teachers with different variables (identification years, identification consultant years, the willing to be identification consultant teachers in 99 school years), there are differences between problems and the needs of special education professional demands. In problems, the teachers have more problems slightly with identification years. The role expectations and role overload in fewer years of identification consultant years are slightly higher than experienced teachers. Those who do not need to be identification consultant teachers have more problems. In special education professional demands, the teachers who posses more identification years and identification consultant years have higher needs, and the teachers who do not need to be identification consultant teachers also have higher needs. Each difference between them is not significant. According to this study, it offered some suggestions to the education administrations, identification consultant teachers and future researchers.




