  • 學位論文


Beginner-Level Chinese Mandarin Teaching Material Models for Overseas Children

指導教授 : 葉德明


自全球興起學習華語的熱潮以來,主要的關注對象多為成人,琳瑯滿目的華語教材中,較少見適用於兒童學習的初級華語教材,此領域可謂一尚待開拓的範疇。 要編寫兒童華語教材,首先應了解兒童在各階段的語言學習歷程,方能針對其學習特性編排教材內容,因此,對於兒童的認知發展過程及學習策略應有所認識;其次,歷經數十年的發展,第二語言教學法有了長足豐富的面貌,因兒童學習的特徵與成人不同,因而適用於兒童課堂的教學法亦與成人不同,本研究提出TPR與任務式教學法;發展教材是一繁複的過程,有其必須遵循的程序與原則,故本論文針對與編寫教材相關的理論進行研究、彙整,以為編寫兒童教材之方針。 在理論基礎之上,本研究進而對數套現行兒童教材依學者提出的評估標準進行評選分析,探究目前使用的兒童教材所存在的優缺點,並訪問兒童華語教師對教材的需求,作為編寫設計教材時截長補短之參考。 經過資料的蒐集與探析,在考量兒童學習語言的歷程與特性及教材編寫的程序理論後,本論文即就教學理論、教學目標、練習編排等層面提出初級兒童華語教材應注意的面向,並於編寫範例時遵守科學性、趣味性、針對性、實用性四大原則,在有了編寫架構後,即著手進行教材的編寫。 最後,在實施教材範例的試教後,檢討、評估教材範例的可行性,進而針對學生的回饋與教學時的情況,將原有範例加以改進,使之成為更為完善的兒童華語教材。


Due to the rapid growth and development of China’s economy, many people start to learn Mandarin. Abundant teaching materials have been published; however, a majority of them are designed for adults, not children. This study attempts to discuss the design of beginning-level Mandarin Chinese teaching materials for overseas children. The author of this study reviews literature of children’s language-learning progress and how different learning features of children are from adults. This study also gives an overview and analysis of the current teaching materials for children. Moreover, to understand the demand of children’s teaching materials, the author interviews the Chinese teachers of children and then tries to explore the principles of children’s teaching material design based on Total Physical Response and Task-based approach and related theories. Furthermore, the author develops an example lesson based on the above principles and makes revision according to students’ feedback after trial teaching. Finally, the author draws a general conclusion for the whole study.


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