  • 學位論文


The study on phonological strata of Sino-Vietnamese

指導教授 : 孫天心


越南漢字音,指越南語裡借自漢語字、詞的讀音。漢語和越南語的接觸從先秦就開始,漢、唐以來更為頻繁。從歷史的記載及語言的證據看來,這一大批漢語字、詞的讀音是多次借入越南語裡的。由於語言演變,不同時期借入的漢字音,往往具有該時期的音韻特徵。一般認為,漢字音系統是中古晚期傳入越南的,然而此系統中卻存在許多不一致的對當關係,表示越南漢字音有分層的必要。 本文主張把越南語的漢語借詞納入越南漢字音的研究,利用既有越南漢字音的記錄,加入中古音韻地位的資訊,建立「附錄一、《漢越字典》越南漢字音總表」。此外,再加入前人認定為漢語來源詞、卻未被收入《漢越字典》的越南漢字音,以及本人自行考察而得、原來未被注意的越南漢字音例證,建立「附錄二、越南漢字音異讀字音韻表」。根據這兩個資料庫,利用漢語和越南語雙方面的音韻演變線索,重新為越南漢字音分層。 本文結合漢語和越南語音韻史的研究成果,重新提出用以分層的音韻條件,對歷來越南漢字音的研究法作了修正。以聲、韻、調的結合分層條件,共分析出上古、中古早期、中古晚期、近代等四個層次,並說明足以區別各階段的音韻特徵。值得注意的是:上古與中古早期的層次,例證的比率較低,反而是中古晚期及近代的比率較高。這可能是因為長期與漢語接觸,晚期的層次大量覆蓋早期層次所致。本文還發現,越南漢字音所反映的南方漢語方言特徵,經常與其他層次重疊。由於南方方言具有存古的特徵,因此在分層時,必須小心區隔越南漢字音所反映的存古現象是否為近代的方言移借。另一個值得注意的現象是:許多過去被認為是上古借入越南語的層次,由聲韻搭配的角度來看,實際上是中古早期以後的層次。 本文認為,越南漢字音的形成過程,是一個漢語知識系統和歷代漢語方言雙重影響下的結果。這個漢語知識系統,就是用來讀書考試賦詩、貼近於韻書、韻圖的系統。根據本文分層的結果,這是一個以中古晚期漢語為基底,卻又帶有若干存古現象及近代方言色彩的系統。知識系統和實際語言在競爭及妥協之下,有的語言現象會被掩蓋,但還是會有重要的語言訊息殘存下來,這使得越南漢字音成了一個雜揉非語言現象和語言現象的混合體。正因為如此,越南漢字音的分層才益發重要。本文不把目前認定的越南漢字音當作一時一地語言現象的反映,只是儘量從中提取出可能反映語言事實的成分,結合其他較可能缺少人為比附的漢語借詞材料,從一字異讀的角度,逐字逐音處理各漢語來源詞的成因,希望剔除各種非語言因素所造成的表面現象,發現其中的語言事實,進而了解越南漢字音作為構擬古漢語音韻史的證據性及限制。


Sino-Vietnamese refers to pronunciations of Chinese characters in Vietnamese borrowed from Chinese. The contact between the Chinese and Vietnamese languages dated back before the Qin Dynasty in China (221-207 B.C.) and intensified through the Han and Tang dynasties. Historical records and linguistic evidence show that these loaned pronunciations were imported into Vietnamese in several waves. Variant pronunciations that entered the language at different stages frequently possess different phonological characteristics. According to a commonly-held view, Sino-Vietnamese was imported into Vietnam around the Late Middle Chinese period. However, the many irregular correspondences between Sino-Vietnamese and middle Chinese indicate that it is necessary to recognize several strata of Sino-Vietnamese. This dissertation proposes that the study of Sino-Vietnamese should take into account both Chinese loanwords and loaned pronunciations of Chinese characters. The main data sources of this dissertation are the two appendices of Sino-Vietnamese pronunciations coupled with their Middle Chinese phonological attributes. Appendix 1 lists all the Sino-Vietnamese pronunciations from SVD (Sino-Vietnamese Dictionary) which have been accepted by scholars as standard Sino-Vietnamese pronunciations. Appendix 2 lists the pronunciations not included in Appendix 1, comprising Chinese borrowings suggested by other scholars, as well as those discovered independently by this author. Phonological strata of Sino-Vietnamese are distinguished on the bases of phonological histories of Chinese and Vietnamese evidenced by the materials contained in these databases. This dissertation departs from traditional methods in Sino-Vietnamese studies in utilizing current research results on Chinese and Vietnamese diachronic phonology to propose new criteria for positing Sino-Vietnamese phonological strata. These criteria, which integrate initial, rime, as well as tone patterns, permitted the setting up of four such strata---Old, Early Middle, Late Middle, and Pre-Modern. The diagnostic traits of each of these stratum are proposed. It is observed that Old and Early Middle strata are less frequently instantiated in the data than Late Middle and Pre-Modern, which may be due to the massive overlaying of the older strata by the newer ones. Findings of this dissertation also reveal that the characteristics of southern Chinese dialects often overlap with those of other strata. Since the southern Chinese dialects tend to retain conservative features, caution must be exercised to determine whether an observed conservatism in an apparently old pronunciation stems from recent borrowing from a pre-modern southern dialect. Also noteworthy is the discovery that many instances of suspected borrowings from Old Chinese may actually be adapted after Early Middle Chinese in the light of our criteria founded on phonological integration. It is claimed that the formation and evolution of Sino-Vietnamese is the result of both the imposition of the Chinese philological knowledge on Vietnamese and prolonged contact of the language with various Chinese dialects. This artificial system of philological knowledge, which served as a standard for poetry-making and civil examinations in Vietnam, approximates the phonological structures of rime books and rime tables of China. According to the results of this research, Sino-Vietnamese readings constitute a system based largely on Late Middle Chinese but also incorporating certain archaic and some pre-modern Chinese dialect features. Through competition and compromise between philology and real linguistic systems, some language phenomena may get overridden but important linguistic information may partially survive, resulting in an amalgam of both linguistic and non-linguistic phenomena, and hence the importance of properly stratifying Sino-Vietnamese. Instead of treating the present-day Sino-Vietnamese readings as reflexing the phonological system from a certain location and time, this study focuses on extracting elements that reflect linguistic realities, in combination with Chinese loanword data which are less prone to artificial linguistic fabrication. Variations in both Chinese loanword and character readings are examined one by one to ascertain the origins of each Sino-Vietnamese variant with an aim to excluding deceptive superficial phenomena caused by non-linguistic factors. These linguistic realities will ultimately make clear the validity and limitations of evidence from Sino-Vietnamese for the reconstruction of Chinese phonological history.


1979. Chronological strata in Min dialects,《方言》4: 260-273
高本漢(Benhard Karlgren)


